Hello, I am really freaked out and scared by this Javascript attention saying ‘your mobile device has been blocked up for safety reasons’. I was on mobile phone and I clicked on the wrong link. I was watching kdrama shows, and then boom this tiny screen pops up. It had my city on there and had my device on there as.: Android/ OS and I can’t remember what else was on there because I freaked out and shut down my device. It said something like you device has child pornography or illegally downloaded stuff on it and that it goes against this and that law. It asked me to pay some money about $500. It said that I could serve 5 to 8 years. Then at the bottom it asked for me to “Don’t reload” or “Reload”. I was wondering if spyware can steal information from my mobile phone. And it is real? Would I go to jail? I have no idea to get rid of it!!!
Description of Javascript Attention on Mobile Device
Now Javascript Attention usually pops up on browser of different mobile device including android phone, tablet, iPhone, iPad and iPod and so on with a big warning screen to claim that your mobile device has been blocked up for safety reasons and demand amount of fine. Javascript Attention actually is a kind of ransomware which is mainly created by cyber criminals to pilfer user’s money. Javascript Attention can be a general term used to indicate those ransomware disguising a police force or government law enforcement such as FBI, USA Cyber Crime Investigations, ICE Cyber Crime Center, AFP, Cyber Police or Royal Canadian Mounted Police etc. to ask for a ransom. Once Javascript Attention ransomware gets installed into your mobile device, it will show the big police attention warning message whenever you open your browser and you even cannot open new tabs. You will not be able to close it out by clicking on X or clicking on Cancel. If you click to leave, the initial warning notification which keeps asking you to pay for the fine will appear again, and the process starts over again. Your Internet access will be totally blocked because of this Javascript Attention fine warning page. The Javascript Attention warning notice even can lock the whole mobile device then you even cannot use it to call or text message. Anyway, if you find this fake police Javascript Attention showing on your mobile device, you should figure out the way to eradicate and stop it totally.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on September 24, 2015 6:26 am
Hello, please help me uninstall this Cryptowall 3.0 Virus. It has been on Window 7 desktop for several days and it affects and locks many files and documents, so now I cannot open my work Excel files. My computer should messed up by this ramsomware severely, as in many situations, the Windows Explorer always keep freezing even when I just turn on machine and don’t run any programs. I don’t want to pay money as what it requires on the warning message to unlock computer, but I am not a computer savvy, and don’t know how to totally get rid of it. They let me open 1 document after downloading tor browser and now want $700 which is my total SS. They have been for 3 days. I can open some but not others and they have the magic key to decrypt encryption with RSA-2048 using cryptowall 3.0, how to remove decrypt scam?
Brief Introduction of Cryptowall 3.0 Virus Ransomware
Cryptowall 3.0 Virus Ransomware is a hazardous and high-risk file-encrypting Trojan malware to attack computers running Windows XP, Window Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10. It mainly encrypts users’ files on infected computer to demand victims to pay ransom to purchase decryption key. Once Cryptowall 3.0 Virus gets on targeted computer, this virus can not only lock up browsers but also block the whole computers sometimes. After being infected by this Cryptowall 3.0 virus, a red blocking screen warning message shows up and states that all the files on your PC including videos, photos and documents have been encrypted, and you are required to pay an amount of 100USD or 100 EUR to purchase a private key in order to have these encrypt files decrypted. Once Cryptowall 3.0 Virus is installed on your computer, it will create a ransom named executable in the %AppData% or %LocalAppData% folder. And this Cryptowall 3.0 Ransomware can lock many important files including .doc, .docx, .xls, .pdf and so on. The warning locked screen showed by this ransomware cannot be closed easily, even though you go into windows task manager to end the process, it won’t help at all.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on September 18, 2015 5:33 am and last modified on September 19, 2015 2:22 am.
What does the remaining time mean on Interpol Virus Scam on iPhone/iPad? Yes, I was cruising a free porn side didn’t download or look at anything on my IPAD when suddenly my IPAD safari locked up with a pop up message that says I must pay a fine of 100 Euro logging into to my apple ID and using either paypal or a cash card. How do I get rid of this Interpol alert on my iPad? I was really scared by this threatening message popping up on my Safari and saying that I was accused of violating related laws. Is this Interpol notification really from the law enforcement agency? Am I in trouble with the police or worried about being taken to jail? I was almost cried. Please save me and advise some useful ransomware scam removal on iPad.
Description of Interpol Virus Scam on iPhone or iPad
Interpol Virus Scam recently blocks your safari or other web browsers on iPhone/iPad in order to swindle fake fines from unknown victims. It is distributed widely through the network, such as visiting hacked sites, opening fake attachments and downloading apk files and so on. It has been circulated for a long time and capable of affecting lots of worldwide net users using Windows PC, MacBook, Android devices and iOS devices. Though iOS is considered to be safer than other mobile operating system, it is still hacked by the tricky Interpol virus scam. Initially, iOS devices are seldom targeted by the FBI virus, AFP virus and Interpol malware scam, etc., but nowadays cyber hackers have changed this Interpol ransomware into different variants which altogether are able to infect Windows OS, Mac OS X, Android and iOS. That’s why your iPad, iPod touch and iPhone are aggressively hacked by the Interpol virus scam. Once the Interpol malware pops up on your Safari or Chrome browser, it will immediately block your Internet access on the iPad/iPhone. Though you still have access to your affected Apple device, you’ll have no access to safari or any other Internet browser.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on September 17, 2015 5:24 am and last modified on September 17, 2015 6:26 am.
Hey, please help!!! Now I’m suffering from a malware called Mandiant USA Cyber Security Warning Scam on my iPad and the virus (or whatever it is called) has pretty much “locked up” Safari browser and I cannot access the Internet at all. I was downloading video and then I responded prompts from what I thought was an update needed for my settings. That’s when the “virus” was uploaded and now the Mandiant site is telling me I violated copyright laws and must pay a $500 fine in order to have my iPad freed up to work properly, or it will erase my Apple ID and all stuff on my device. And it also said I would be subject to possible imprisonment under some illegal acts. I was really scared, but when I searched some information about it and knew that this is extortion, but I don’t know what can be done as I have thousands of family pictures and videos. I am afraid the virus will erase my entire pictures.
Description of Mandiant USA Cyber Security Warning Scam on iPhone or iPad
Mandiant USA Cyber Security Warning Scam now can target more and more Apple device like iPhone, iPad and iPod. Once your device gets this malware, it will display the scaring message titled with Mandiant USA Cyber Security to make victims believe that it’s from real cyber security of U.S.A.. Actually this notification is not with Mandiant USA Cyber Security or FBI police. This ransomware is created and distributed by those greedy cyber criminals to attack from windows computer, android device to Apple product. So now many iOS devices are attacked by this infection. Usually this cyber security virus can block the Internet access and block Safari on iPhone/ iPad. Mandiant USA Cyber Security Warning disguises the authentic government department Mandiant USA Cyber Security to send notice message saying your device is blocked up for safety reasons and accusing you of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography like child pornography, zoophilia and rape etc. and you are suspected of violation of Copyright and related laws. And meanwhile it notices you that if you want to unlock your browser, you need to pay fine of $500 through Paypal or Moneypak within 24 hours. And if you cannot send money within 24 hours, it will lock up your Apple ID and erase all stuff on your iPhone/iPad, even you will be prosecuted in a lawsuit or taken into jail and on so. Many victims will scare and worry and then rush to send money as it requires, which is what this Mandiant USA Cyber Security ransomware hopes. Its final goal is to scam and collect more money from innocent iPhone/iPad users. Don’t be such a fool to give money; what you should do is to eliminate this virus as soon as possible.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on September 15, 2015 1:03 pm and last modified on September 17, 2015 2:28 am.
I have a Department of Justice notice popped up on my iPhone saying it was accusing me of watching child pornography and it said I violated copyright and related rights law so I need to pay $500 fine. It crashed my Safari app and said it would lock up my iPhone if the fine is not paid within 48 hours. Every time I closed it, it would immediately pop up again. It scared me and now I don’t know if I’m actually being charged or it is a scam. It said my location, IP address and everything, which all looks real. I have restarted my iPhone a hundred times but the pop up was still there. And every time I attempt to access Safari on my iPhone after restarting phone, I still see the pop up from someone pretending to be the Department of Justice saying that I am subject to a fine and it won’t go away. Help!
Description of Department of Justice Virus on iPhone or iPad
If you receive a message titled with Department of Justice about accusing you of watching porn material and blaming you for violating related laws, your device gets a ransomware. It is not really with Department of Justice and police. Department of Justice Virus not only targets windows computer but also attacks android phone/tablet and iPhone/iPad device. Department of Justice warning notice usually use Javascrip to hijack web browser like Safari and Chrome on iPhone/iPad device, and then you cannot even minimize or exit it out by close the message. One the notification message screen, it usually claims that you’re accused of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography, violation of “Copyright and Related rights Law” and other violations. Even though you don’t do anything listed by it above, you still get this scaring message. Department of Justice Virus warning message even wouldn’t you exit out Safari or anything unless you paid a fine and it said it would delete all your pictures and stuff and you’re your Apple ID was locked. Therefore, it demands you to pay fine account to $500 via Moneypak, Paypal to unlock the Safari browser or your phone. If you cannot send money within 24 hours, it will delete all stuff from your iPhone/iPad and expose your crime to all your contacts stored on your iPhone/iPad. To convince you that you break the law and owe $500 fine to the government or someone, it really shows where you’re located and state. Many victims will very worry the police will knock their door to take them out to police, and then give money as requires. Even though you pay money, the Department of Justice Virus still stays on your device.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on September 14, 2015 5:30 am and last modified on September 14, 2015 5:32 am.
What does it mean when security alert pops up on web browser saying I’ve been accused of illegal activity like watching child pornography? I got a message from the FBI while surfing the internet and it told me I have to pay 500 dollars in paypal in next 24 hours or 72 hours, I recently found out it was a FBI Header virus malware and that it could lock my device. What is when I was surfing the web on safari on my iPhone and I got this ransom message and they have now blocked my safari app unless I pay 500 dollars fine? I wondered how to get rid of this spam and fix it, what do i do?
Computer or Mobile Device is Locked Saying Pay $500 Fine to FBI via Paypal Code?
The FBI Header Virus is a wide spread computer or mobile device attack that is classified as a ransomware, since it attempts to trick the users it infects into paying a nonexistent fine that ranges between $100 – $500 depending on the version of the virus that is installed. There are multiple versions that all relate to the users IP address and the location of the computer, android phone/tablet and iPhone/iPad. There are versions of this virus for virtually every language and location across the globe. Even though they are written in different languages, and reference different law enforcement agencies, the overall concept of each version of the FBI Header Virus malware is the same. Read the rest of this post »
Published by Tony Shepherd on September 12, 2015 8:11 pm
I have an issue with my iPhone 6. On my safari app, it says that it comes from FBI and I have to pay $500 to not get in trouble for watching child porn. I was on a pornographic site (ashamed of it) and now it’s saying I was watching it but I had no idea it was child pornography. I was trying to delete it but it wouldn’t let me I heard it was a scam from my recent research and I’m still worried. Also, it says that my apple ID is lock and all my data will be erased after 24 hours. I don’t want to lose anything on my phone, please help!
Description of FBI Malware Notification on iPhone or iPad
Recently, cyber criminals design this FBI Malware Notification to attack Apple users on their iPhone and iPad. IOS is another mobile system that can be widely used by people on the world. Even though IOS system is safer than Android, cyber hackers can still design different kinds of virus to attack the IOS devices. When people get this FBI Malware Notification on their iPhone/iPad, they will not be able to access the Internet at all. In order to make people convince that it really comes from the FBI, hackers can forge the warning page with articles of law and the picture of the police. Once people get the warning on their devices, they can hardly distinguish it if it is real or fake. To make it simple to all people, this FBI Malware Notification is not a message coming from the real police. It is classified to be a scam virus that created and used by cyber criminals who try to lure people to send money to them for the crimes that they didn’t commit. Read the rest of this post »
Published by Tony Shepherd on September 12, 2015 5:13 am and last modified on September 12, 2015 5:20 am.
What does it mean if you have the warning message pops up from saying you’re busted for pornography on iPhone or iPad? Why is mobile internet blocked and asking me to pay £100 fine ukash or Paysafecard? I have an iPhone 5s and i got a pop up message that directed me to a porn site. Before i could do anything a message popped up saying that my phone had been blocked for safety reasons and that i was committing a crime and i had 24 hours to pay $250 to PlaySafeCard or my whole apple ID would be blocked and everything would be deleted. I’ve heard about this virus before and I was wondering how I could get rid of it? When i have a javascript alert to pay a fine, how can i get my phone unlocked from a child pornography video scam? My iPhone 6 plus safari is locked up due to a police fine from watching porn, how do i get rid of this? I have just gotten this thing on my phone about paying £100 or something, i googled and found it is ukash paysafecard virus malware, the popup scam on iPhone won’t go away, how to get rid of paysafecard webpage? I have an issue with my iPhone 6 plus that there is Ukash paysafecard notice popped up on it saying it was accusing me of watching child pornography and it said I violated copyright and related rights law so I need to pay fine. It also says that my apple ID can be locked if I don’t pay the fine. It crashed my safari app and said it would lock up my phone if the fine is not paid within 48 hours. Every time I closed it, it can immediately pop up again. It scared me and now I don’t know if I’m actually being charged or it is a scam. It said my location, IP address and everything. I have restarted my iPhone a hundred times but the pop up was still there. Can this be the real police warning? I don’t want to get in trouble for something I didn’t do. What should I do? Help!
Description of Ukash Paysafecard Virus on iPhone or iPad
Now more and more iPhone or iPad users get this dangerous ransomware called Ukash Paysafecard Virus. We usually use this term to name those aggressive and nasty ransomwares like Cheshire Police Authority Virus or PCeU, Australian Federal Police Ukash Virus or RCMP virus and Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police virus and so on. Ukash Paysafecard scam virus is mainly targets iPhone/iPad users from European countries especially UK, Canada and Australia. Ukash Paysafecard ransomware usually use javascript or malicious virus app to hijack web browser to totally lock Internet on iPhone/iPad and then ask you to pay a fine through Ukash or Paysafecard. Basically, once this Ukash Paysafecard Virus gets on Apple device, it will disguise the government department or authentic enforcement to send the scaring message titled with Cheshire Police Authority, PCeU, Australian Federal Police or Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and so on. So many victims trust it and send a fine of £100 pounds in order not to be prosecuted a lawsuit or get into jail.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on September 8, 2015 2:55 pm and last modified on February 13, 2016 9:28 am.
FBI Warning Message pops up on apple phone locking out my safari, is it real police or scam? Can apple virus requiring $500? Hi I have got my Safari blocked on my iPhone 8 yesterday when I visited a Hungarian porn site, which was always safe actually. I live in London Uk. I removed and deleted any data of my browser from Settings accessed it. Can you tell me if my iPhone could be safe from now or not? I was really scared because of that message from them but I do know I did not access those sites what they wrote there when attentioned me. I have another iPad. I accessed a site with penthouse pets and then a warning appeared from us Marshall’s (obviously fraudulent FBI warning message) wanting me to pay $500, threatening me with with criminal prosecution etc. now the iPad is locked. Does the FBI fine people.with greendot prepaid walmart cards? What is the name of the newest FBI porn scam on iPhone or iPad? Still my wife have a problem…something has just popped up on the Internet browser and she can’t seem to remove it. It says ATTENTION! Your mobile device has been blocked up for safety reasons. AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDING IN PROGRESS. Amount of fine is 250$. You can settle the fine with PayPal My Cash Cards. How do you get FBI alert on phone? My phone was directed to a pornographic site and all of the sudden I had a pop up saying I owe $500 all of that stuff. It won’t let me ex out of anything and is telling me to enter the paypal card number; I am unable to use my internet. The FBI warning message keeps telling me I have to pay 500 dollars through paypal cash, how do I get this message off my iPhone? Still my iPad has been blocked asking for $500 through paypal I don’t believe FBI handles anything through paypal, how do i get rid of this?
Description of FBI Warning Message on iPhone or iPad
Now more and more iPhone or iPad users encounter the same serious problem that the Safari on their iPhone or iPad is locked by FBI warning message which asks for around $500 fine. Actually this warning message is displayed by a ransomware or virus. This FBI warning virus actually at the beginning corrupts windows computer, Mac device and then damages android phone and tablet, and gradually now FBI warning virus targets iPhone and iPad users. So now many victims suffer this annoying problem and being tricking into paying money. This type of threat usually disguises as official legitimate authority or local department like USA Cyber Crime Center, FBI Department of Defense, Mandiant U.S.A. Cyber Security, Interpol, to scare innocent users that their internet activities are suspected of law-breaking, including viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography, violation of “Copyright and Related rights Law” and other violations. On the FBI warning message screen, it demands users to pay $500 within 24 or 72 hours via such payment system as Moneypak, Moneygram, Ukash or Paysafecard to unlock their devices. Meanwhile, FBI warning virus prompts that you purchase prepaid cards from Kmart, CVS, Walmart, or Walgreens and only if you submit the voucher ID in the locked screen, your device iPhone/iPad can be unlocked. These scam virus threats that if you cannot send fine within 24 or 72 hours, it will send your illegal activities to all contacts stored on your iPhone and you will be involved in a criminal case. To convince you totally, on FBI warning screen, it shows your IP address, location, country, your current picture even FBI case number. So many victims trust it and send the fine in order not to be prosecuted by a lawsuit or get into jail. If you think it calmly and locally, you will find actually FBI warning is a scam. What you should do first is figure out how to remove it.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on September 4, 2015 11:40 am and last modified on February 8, 2018 6:28 am.
Hi, I have a file called android/trojanSlocker.CX on my Samsung Galaxy S6, it displays a message alerted me that I will be prosecuted from the FBI and criminalized if I don’t pay $500 through green dot moneypak within the next 24 hours and it had my address, city, and everything!!! It also says I am being recorded. Is this really able to record my audio visually? I’m pretty freaked out because I didn’t do anything!!! However, I searched this FBI attention notification thing online in order to know if there is someone met same situation as me. So I know that it is not from the real FBI. Anyway, my phone is now locked on their notification screen, and the only thing I can click on is a link to a site where I can purchase a $500 Green Dot card to pay them the “fine” How do I get rid of this and get my phone unlocked?
Description of Android/TrojanSlocker.cx Virus on Android Phone, Tablet or iPad
Android/trojanSlocker.CX is a kind of ransomware which is created by cyber criminals to display the ransom message to block the phone user from trying to recover normal use of the device. And this ransomware mainly displays ransom message titled with F.B.I., US Dept. of Homeland Security, Mandiant U.S.A. Cyber Security, U.S.A. Cyber Crime Center or Police Central e-crime Unit of British and so on. It looks like a real one as it can get user’s address, IP, location and country even claims that it has all your phone contact information and you’re being recorded visually. However, this is just a scam virus not with authentic law enforcement or legitimate department. It displays scaring message as a tactic trick to threaten and convince victims and send money via moneypak, paypal or ukash. Android/trojanSlocker.CX malware now mainly attack such mobile device as android phone, tablet, iPhone, iPad and ipod. On phone or tablet device, this infection malware will display message titled mainly with FBI to block the browser like Internet, Chrome and Safari to interrupt you and even blocks you out of the browser. Every time when you open the infected browser, the FBI attention notification page shows up immediately to block you access the Internet. And it won’t give you any other options to exit or minimize its page except for inputting a code. Android/trojanSlocker.CX infection even locks the whole phone and tablet with FBI attention alert page, even worse locks with PIN code which you don’t know.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on August 16, 2015 12:45 pm and last modified on August 17, 2015 5:04 pm.