How to Build a PC Step by Step (DIY)

DIY Components

The Three System Components – Processor, Motherboard, and Graphics Card

The processor is the absolute core of a computer, with its main function performing general-purpose calculations and schedule other hardware to perform calculations. AMD and Intel are the dominant players in the current consumer market, while other processor manufacturers mainly focus on the server and commercial sectors. If you’re building a computer for gaming, I would recommend the AMD R7-7800X3D and the R5-5600X3D. After all, for the same level of performance, the cost of the corresponding power supply and cooling for an Intel processor would be at least two price tiers higher. The R7-7800X3D is simply divine for gaming processors.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on March 12, 2024 10:06 am and last modified on April 13, 2024 8:22 am.

How to Use AI Tools in 2024 – Roundtable Discussion

Since the stone-cold debut of ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion, the pace of generative AI hasn’t stopped for a moment. This pace of development is both marvelous and inevitably causes some anxiety and confusion: how far has AI come today? Am I missing out on a lot? Where should I start now?
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Published by Tony Shepherd on March 1, 2024 9:45 am and last modified on April 13, 2024 9:52 am.

How to Buy a Mac Device in 2024

Apple has launched the new M3 SoC-powered 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Airs, and I’m sure many of you are wondering: Which one is better than the old M2 series MacBook Air? Which MacBook Air is better for me than the old M2 series MacBook Air, and which MacBook Pro is better for me than the MacBook Pro, which is also powered by the M3? This article is intended to take a look at the current Mac product lineup and sort out the realities of the current Mac products, taking into account “budget” and “needs”, in the hope that it can help an ordinary person who wants to buy a Mac to make the best choice for himself/herself.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on January 17, 2024 9:54 am and last modified on April 13, 2024 12:15 pm.

How to Create a Better Personal Recording System

The most important thing to consider when building your own record keeping system is your needs and usage scenarios. Software shared by others may look particularly cool, but it’s not the best for you. Each note-taking software and recording method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the forced All-in-one experience is not necessarily the best. Just follow your own habits when choosing one.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on January 13, 2024 8:13 am and last modified on April 13, 2024 8:41 am.

Best Windows Uninstallers 2024

App uninstallers are one of the most used utilities on Windows PCs. They are very handy, if not essential, to completely remove all the files and entries from your PC, clean up useless leftovers, fix issues that do not allow you to in updates or upgrades, and speed up the overall performance by getting rid of the unwanted or unused apps.

Total Uninstaller 2024 is our pick for the best Windows uninstaller 2024, beating others with the best combination of modern interface, ease of use, best-in-class app uninstaller, well-rounded leftover cleaner, outstanding support, and affordable one-time pricing model that is favored by our editors and allows you to receive free updates and free upgrades as long as you want to use it.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on January 12, 2024 9:23 am and last modified on May 2, 2024 4:12 am.

Best Mac Uninstallers 2024

Do your applications refuse to update or upgrade? Are unwanted/unused apps or other useless digital clutter taking up your precious Mac disk space? Is your Mac running slowly due to low disk space or unwanted apps actively consuming resources? You may also find a lot of app removal tools, but they cannot run on your old Mac. A great Mac app uninstaller can empower you to solve all these problems without hassle. It should be easy to use, lightweight, and powerful enough to perform a thorough cleanup of the application you want to remove.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on January 9, 2024 11:49 pm and last modified on May 10, 2024 11:20 am.

Can’t Completely Remove Apps on Mac? Fix Incomplete Uninstallation Problems

Tired of trying to fix the problems that prevent you from uninstalling applications or leave you with a lot of leftovers after you try to remove them manually? Unwanted applications and useless digital clutter take up valuable Mac hard drive space and can slow down your Mac’s performance. The fact is, Mac hard drives are expensive to upgrade, and less hard drive space usually slows down your Mac significantly. And actively running unwanted applications can consume a lot of your hardware resources and reduce the overall speed of your Mac.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on January 3, 2024 8:43 am and last modified on May 14, 2024 1:00 am.

Can’t Install, Update or Upgrade Apps on Mac? How-to Fix

Have you ever tried to solve the problems that prevent you from installing, updating or upgrading Mac applications to the latest versions? These problems are caused by incomplete installation or uninstallation, the leftover files of which you can try to delete manually, such as the application, files, folders and temporary files. However, you’ll need to consult the official support for the detailed files to be removed, and you’ll need to be careful when deleting these files.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on January 3, 2024 2:43 am and last modified on May 14, 2024 1:00 am.

How to Build Personal Workflows – Roundtable

Only after a period of tossing and turning can we become more clear about the boundaries of our abilities and where our needs lie. The goal of this article is to help more people minimize the cost of tossing.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on January 2, 2024 7:50 am and last modified on April 13, 2024 8:23 am.


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