How can I get FBI Prism Malware Scam off my Samsung Galaxy Tab E, my tab has been blocked by this FBI Prism virus for 2 days, and I even can’t power down my tab at all. The FBI scam virus sends me several pages blocking my tab totally. It said I watched illegal pornographic materials, child pornography, rape and zoophillia, it even sends some disgusting and embarrassing porn pictures, but I swear I didn’t watch and read these porn materials before. But FBI Prism virus ridiculously and unreasonably asks me to pay a penalty of $500 which is more the price of my Samsung tab E. It definitely is a scam and a big hoax! Can you help me unlock my Samsung Galaxy Tab E?
What is FBI Prism Malware Scam? Is it real or phony?
FBI Prism Malware Scam is nothing but a big hoax to swindle some money $500 from Samsung users. Recently, many Samsung android devices like Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, Samsung note5 and Samsung Galaxy Tab E are attacked and blocked by this FBI Prism Malware and demanded a fine of $500 via Moneycard. FBI Prism Malware Scam is actually created by cyber criminals to scare and cheat people into paying money. This kind of FBI Prism virus is categorized into a ransowmare list. FBI Prism ransomware disguises itself as FBI FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION to falsely display fake warning alert accusing you of illegal activities including viewing and distributing forbidden pornographic contents on the Internet. And your illegal activities have violated the Law of The United States of America. And for this reason, your Samsung device has been locked and you have to pay a fine of $500 as a base measure punishment on you within 2 or 3 days. In order to make inexperienced people soon submit money, FBI Prism virus warns you in a threatening tone that you will be involved with a prosecution or caught by police to take into prison if you try to independently unlock the device without $500 payment within 2 or 3 days. Don’t be a fool, what FBI Prism Malware Scam warns and threatens is just a tricking tactic to tricking people into thinking they did something wrong and must bear some legal responsibility, even though some of them didn’t watch or view any porn contents online. In order to unblock their Samsung Galaxy Tab E, avoid getting trouble with police and bad record and being caught into jail by police, many victims choose to pay the $500 fines.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on April 27, 2017 5:41 am
I was on my Safari browser watching a movie and an ad popped up and took me to a police-mobile-block. It has locked up my Safari browser saying I was watching porn and if I don’t pay $100 in 12 hours I can go to jail! I can’t really figure out if this is real or not, but I don’t think the police would use this kind of payment for fines. And actually I didn’t watch anything related with pornography. This Police-mobile-block warning seems ridiculous! But it would be very embarrassing if my friend knows that. So, how can I get this Police mobile block off my Safari?
Safari is Locked by Police-mobile-block Warning – Is it Real or Fake?
Many Safari users have met such an embarrassing situation that their Safari is blocking by a warning alert from Police-mobile-block site accusing them of illegal activities involving with watching pornography, and the “Police” demands a fine of $100 or $500. Many of victims are all wondering if this warning thing is real or fake, and if they would be taken into prison. In fact, this Police-mobile-block site is a kind of ransomware created by cyber criminals who want to use scareware or malware to display fake warning to beat victims out of some money, and it has nothing to do with real judicial department and law enforcement, so that’s why it’s called ransomware. In order to defraud more money from Safari users, cyber criminals has actually created and developed many similar ransomware to scare and trick online users. ransomware often blocks or locks victims’s device or encrypt your data then ask for money as a ransom to unlock the device. This Safari ransomware begins with Police-pay, Police-block site and then, Police-mobile-block ransomware is the latest and upgraded version of this series of ransomware.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on April 21, 2017 5:25 am
Hello. I have the warning message of “System is Heavily Damaged by Four Viruses” on the Amazon Kindle I bought not long ago. It is troublesome. How can I get it off my device? It asks me to have the free Sharecloud downloaded and installed from Google Play. I have no idea it is real or fake. There is a striking Google logo on there. I have so many problems with my Amazon Kindle after it is found on the system. Charging the device is slowly. Many popups I don’t know. And the Kindle is working so sluggishly. So I think it is caused by the four viruses. Am I right? And how can I get it off my Amazon Kindle?
We detect that your xxx is 28.1% damaged because of four harmful viruses from recent adult sites. Soon it will damage your phones SIM card and will corrupt your contacts photos, data and applications.etc.
if you do not remove the virus now, it will cause severe damage to your phone.
step 1 : tap the button and install app for free on google play
step 2: open the app to speed up an fix your browser now.
More Information about the “Your system is heavily damaged by four virus”?
The alert of “Your system is badly damaged by 4 viruses” is the result of a malicious program that manages to sneak into your system. The message is a groundless or baseless statement. There are no 4 viruses on your device. The cybercriminals fake up a story about infection of 4 viruses to frighten victims into buying their apps which should be the real threats to get rid of the non-existent 4 viruses. This is a typical trick in the field of security played by the cybercriminals to commit defraudation . The warning will kidnap your web browser and result in suspicious advertisements. The message is really difficult for ordinary users to get rid of. The annoying page can’t be removed by restarting or powering off the device. It will stick all the time without get its root or base cleared up. It is normal and common that a person will become very nervous when he comes across the virus warning. They worry that the four viruses would undermine the data on the contaminated device such as pictures, videos, credentials stored and other important files as the message demands. That is why many victims are fooled into following the guide it provides in attempt to resolve the problem. They spend so much money on the removal of the imaginary 4 viruses. As a matter of fact, the real threat is the message itself. It is trying to cheat money out of the users. The warning message can’t be removed without deleting the nasty software behind it. If your Amazon Kindle is found with the notice that “Your system is badly damaged by 4 viruses”, you should find out the rouge program that presenting the fake message and get rid of it thoroughly. Removing the “Your system is badly damaged by 4 viruses” totally can help protect your device from being infected with other potential threats.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on April 16, 2017 7:20 pm and last modified on April 16, 2017 7:20 pm.
Hi, my Safari has been locked by Illegal Pornography [email protected] site. I have received the warning “your device has been locked due to illegal pornography”. Should I just disregard the email sent from Interpol requesting the payment for a fine of $300? It said if I don’t pay within 24 hours, my bank accounts etc would be frozen. do you think Interpol would use this type of payment for fines?
Safari is Locked by Illegal Pornography [email protected] Warning – Is it Real?
Recently, many iPhone or iPad Safari users have been locked by a warning message seem like from Interpol claiming that your device has been locked for looking at illegal pornography site. It claims warning “your device has been locked due to illegal pornography”. It even asks you to send email to [email protected] for unlocking solution. Here, we expert can tell you that this is a scam warning alert aiming at cheating Safari users and swindling money out of victims. It is actually a kind of dangerous ransomware. Even though you didn’t watch any material at porn site, they still can get this ransomware blocking Safari on their iphone or ipad, so it is definitely a hoax. If you trust this fake illegal pornography locking message and send email to [email protected] expecting someone unlock your device, you will not get any help actually as you just send an email to a scammer, and you will receive an email requesting payment for a fine of $300 or $500. It tells you in a threatening tone that your important personal data and you bank accounts etc would be frozen if you can’t submit the penalty of $300 or $500 within limited time.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on April 9, 2017 6:07 am and last modified on April 9, 2017 6:18 am.
Hi, I have received a worrying notice on my phone and saying “Your device has been locked for illegal pornography, Send email to [email protected] for unlocking’. I’m really worried that its a virus and I don’t know how to get rid of it?
With the development of technology, more and more people are using smart phone nowadays. Therefore, those greedy hackers seize the chance and then produce another Ransomware that is mainly used to attack the phone or tablet. This virus can hack to your phone for any reasons. You may get it by clicking malicious code or unsafe advertising pop-ups, visiting pornographic website or opening attachment from spam emails because this virus usually disguises itself as Flash Player app to trick users into downloading. Once downloaded, it rapidly takes over your phone and scrambles your data unless you pay a fee. However, don’t be scared for [email protected] virus is just a scam. You will not get any trouble from the real Police Central E-crime Unit, but you have to get rid of it from your phone immediately once upon detection. Read the rest of this post »
Published by Tony Shepherd on April 8, 2017 6:30 am and last modified on April 8, 2017 6:30 am.
When I was going to enter my iPhone’s safari to search up an image of a tree, it took me to this site that tells me that I have been blocked from my Safari due to viewing and distributing illegal materials prohibited by the criminal law of the United States of America, called pornography with elements of child pornography, rape, and zoophillia, which I have never been involved in. And it won’t let me off the page until I pay $100.00 with an iTunes prepaid card. My safari is blocked and I don’t know how to fix it. Unfortunately, I did pay the fine before I found out that this is a virus, but my safari is still blocked. What can I do now?
How do I Know if is Fake or Real? Scam Virus is actually a ransomware that can lock iPhone or iPad’s browser like Safari and usually demand victims to pay non-existed penalty money. is just a big hoax to extort money from iPhone or iPad users. Like other scam virus or ransomware FBI malware, FBI cyber crime scam virus, UK Justice ransowmare, virus, Police-block site ransomware and Police-pay malware, this scam virus also uses the name of the government department or law enforcement to scare and cheat users. Scam is actually the latest version of Ukash scam virus. This kind of ransomware always falsely accuses you of illegal activates like viewing and watching pornographic materials even though you have never done. Scam Virus claims to you for a non-existed penalty of $100-$500 through prepaid card and iTunes gift card. If you refuse to do that, your illegal activities will be told to your contacts and friends, the device is locked forever and your crime case will be transferred to law institutions and you may be arrested by the local police. In this situation, many victims regard it as the legit message from the real police department.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on April 7, 2017 1:03 pm
My tablet is just blocked by this warning message asking me to “Pay $300 to a number through PayPal or a prepaid card”, and what is it? Is it real? I was on iPad looking at some adult material that wasn’t illegal like it was normal stuff and it locked me and said you have to buy a 300 dollar iTunes gift card to get it unblocked I need it unblocked by tomorrow. I don’t have much money, but it threatened that if I can’t pay 300 dollars by tomorrow, I will be in trouble with crime case. I don’t want to have any crime record in police. Do you have any solution to help me get rid of it? My iPad tablet is completely blocked by this warning alert and I can’t do anything with iPad.
What’s “Pay $300 to a number through PayPal or a prepaid card”? Is it Fake?
If your web browser like Safari or Google Chrome on your iPhone or iPad is blocked by this warning alert asking you to “Pay $300 to a number through PayPal or a prepaid card”, your device actually gets a malware or ransomware. In other words, “Pay $300 to a number through PayPal or a prepaid card” is caused by the malware or ransomware installed into your iPhone or iPad. In reality, this kind of malware or ransowmare can attack android smartphone and tablet. Once the malware or ransowmare gets installed into the targeted device, it will soon pop up a scaring warning message accusing of your illegal activities like watching or viewing pornographic material, and your device is blocked up for this reason. You are demanded to pay $300 via prepaid card or iTunes gift card within 24 hours. Once victims see this scaring “Pay $300 to a number through PayPal or a prepaid card” warning, they think it is from real police department as this message can’t be closed in normal way, and the attacked browser like Safari or Google Chrome can’t be shut down or exited even though victims have tried many times to restart the targeted device. Actually the cyber criminal designing this malware uses JavaScript technique to hijack the browser first then install the application to lock up the whole device, and then you are not able to do anything with attacked device.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on April 6, 2017 5:36 am
I think I might have been hacked on my iPhone about that FBI blocking my phone then I have to pay $100 to unblock. To make a long story short. I was reading comics on my phone then I think I got transferred to another site but it had porno on it. I tried to get off but then that thing happened and it said I was goanna be in trouble and have to pay and etc. Do you know how to get rid of it?
Safari’s locked by FBI Pop-up Ads – Is it a Real FBI Cyber Crime?
FBI Pop-up Ads is classified as a risky browser hijacker which hijacks Internet browsers Chrome and Safari. It can install in the computer automatically and launch as a startup process. The target browser will be taken over by this hijacker infection whenever it is launched. This annoying pop-up ads come to Safari screen, and accuses user of watch or viewing illegal porn material and demands users to pay a penalty amount to $500 with an iTunes Prepaid Card.. Great chaos will occur to computer users during their web browsing tasks. To illustrate, whenever you click on a web link or search for favorite key words, you will be typically redirected to other pesky web pages which belong to browser adware or notorious third parties. This message is not a real thing that coming from the police. It is an evil product made by cyber hackers to attack iPhone and iPad products all over the world. Also, Android devices can be attacked by this scam virus as well. Once your iPhone or iPad encounters this virus, you will notice that when you open your Safari or Chrome, this page can always pop up in no time. Read the rest of this post »
Published by Tony Shepherd on April 1, 2017 1:44 pm
I recently got a pop up when I was visiting The pop up blocked my browsing abbility and said that a porn virus was stealing information and picture and that I shouldn’t restart my Samsung tablet and that I had to call a number for help. I was very skeptical but called the number. I immediately realized it was a scam and hung up. I found your website. What can I do? Or do I even need to do anything?
Description of Vanilla Malware Virus
Vanilla Malware Virus is created by hacker and usually infects Android device. It always tells victims that they have violate some laws because of watching some porn videos and their device have been lock. If they want to unlock their device, they will need to pay a big fine using inactivated vanilla or other ways like paysafecard. The victims will be told that if they don’t pay the fine, the police would come to their home and they will be accused. In addition, generally this virus will ask victims to pay in 24 hours or XXX days. If the victims don’t pay in time, they will also be accused. Thus if your phone or tablet gets infected by this virus, please keep your mind clear that it is just a scam virus that want to get money from you, just don’t believe it and don’t pay to it. What you need to do is to remove it from your device without delay. Read the rest of this post »
Published by Tony Shepherd on March 18, 2017 4:26 pm and last modified on March 19, 2017 12:29 am.
Hi, I have received a worrying notice on my ipad saying “Your device has been locked for illegal pornography, Send email to [email protected] for unlocking’. I’m really worried that its a virus and I don’t know how to get rid of it?
[email protected] Virus Lock iPhone/iPad – What To Do?
[email protected] Virus may block your browser and tell you that you have visited illegal website, watch pornography with pedophilia, rape and zoophilia. When you are redirected to this malicious websites, a javascript will display a bogus notification that pretends to be from an official law enforcement agency and states that your browser has been blocked due to it being involved with the distribution of pornographic material, SPAM and copyrighted content. The malicious website will lock you out of your Safari web browser, so whenever you’ll try to navigate to a webpage, it will display instead a lock screen asking you to pay a non-existing fine of $100 to $500 in the form of an MoneyPak, Ukash, Paysafecard or MoneyGram Xpress voucher. The malware’s authors prefer these payment services because transactions made through them cannot be reversed and are hard to trace. Read the rest of this post »
Published by Tony Shepherd on March 14, 2017 6:10 am and last modified on March 14, 2017 6:11 am.