Error #268D3 your computer has been blocked – How to fix?

Hello! How are you? I need help. Please help me. My computer is locked and I don’t why, it is so weird. “Error #268D3 your computer has been blocked” I have this message on my computer screen. What should I do? How can I unlock my computer? It tells me a number (855) 712-8551 and let me call them, should I call? It tells me my computer has infected with a virus and spyware and my information is being stolen. Is it real? I am so worried about this. I have many important files and pictures in my computer. Please help me, please!

Brief Introduction of “Error #268D3 your computer has been blocked” message

When you get this “Error #268D3 your computer has been blocked” warning and tell you that you should make a call immediately to fix your problem, your computer has gotten one kind of malware. Once your computer gets this malware, your computer will be locked and you will be unable to access your computer and use it as usual. If you want to use your computer again, you need to remove this malware completely. In the past, this malware always infected user’s computer browser making the computer user be unable to go to the Internet. Now this malware has become more malicious which can lock the computer and not allow user to get into computer. You should pay attention to it and you are not supposed to do what the message tells you.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on June 21, 2016 1:15 pm

Government Malware Virus Removal on Android Phone

Hi, I have a problem with Government Malware Virus on android phone.  My 13 year old son just tried to download something on the internet onto his Samsung Galaxy phone.  He got a message that he was violating the law and that it was porn.  This message is supposedly from the FBI, but I’m fairly sure it is not.  Anyway, his phone is now locked on their notification screen, and the only thing he can click on is a link to a site where he can purchase a $500 Green Dot card to pay them the “fine”    How do we get rid of this and get his phone unlocked?

Government Malware Virus on Android Phone

Government Malware Virus is actually designed by cyber criminals to pretend to be government department or law enforcement to scare and scam people out of money. All those warning notification showing on your android phone screen is fake and not from the government department as it mentioned there. Government Malware Virus is actually the ransowmare like FBI warning scam virus, US Marshals Gov virus, NSA cyber police virus, Interpol virus, British Police virus, RCMP Interpol virus, ICSPA virus, or AFP virus. And this government malware pretends to be government department like FBI, US Marshals Gov, US Department of Justice, Metropolitan British Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police or Australian Federal Police to display warning alert saying your mobile device is blocked up for safety reason and you’re suspected of violation of government laws involving with activities like watching and distributing prohibited pornographic material, using or distributing pirate contents like music, video or software and so on. It says you’re accused of committing the crime and you break some criminal laws articles. The Government Malware virus warning message looks like the one below:

ATTENTION! Your phone has been blocked up for safety reasons listed below.
All the actions performed on this phone are fixed.
All your files are encrypted.
You are accused of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape etc)…
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Published by Tony Shepherd on June 20, 2016 3:09 am and last modified on June 20, 2016 3:16 am.

Can your phone get tapped for watching porn?

Hey there, I have an issue on my phone now. I keep getting a message on my phone saying that my phone is blocked for safety reason. I don’t know how to close this message as I can’t find the option to exit it. I have to say I did watch some porn video on my phone but I swear I didn’t watch any kind of children pornography. Can your phone get tapped for watching porn? The message claims that my phone will be tapped if I don’t pay $200 through iTunes gift card. I was about to pay the money to this message, someone told me that it is not real. How can I assure that I won’t be in trouble with the police? Please help!

Can your phone get tapped for watching porn and How to Unlock it?

If your phone is blocked for safety reason and being asked to pay a fine, your phone is infected with a kind of virus that can be classified to be a type or ransomware. Do not trust what it says, it has nothing to do with the police authority. Cyber hackers who create this kind of scam virus can forge it coming from the real police. It is easy for this virus to threaten innocent people and cheat them that they have broken the laws and need to pay a great of money for avoiding further punishment. The message can be well decorated with articles of laws and logos of police. Once people get deceived and pay the money, their phone can still be locked and people cannot be capable to get the money back. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on June 15, 2016 5:59 am and last modified on June 16, 2016 2:54 am.

How to Remove US Marshals Internet Scam from iPhone/iPad

Hi there! I just had an encounter with the US Marshals Internet scam which runs something like “you have been accused of viewing such and such content and you must pay a 500$ fine”. It says “You Internet connection is blocked due to illegal activity detected from your device”.  But I was just gonna play YouTube on my iPhone and didn’t watch any porn thing, and then this us marshals warning showed up. Now I can’t get rid of this us marshals warning alert page. Every time when I restart iPhone and open Internet this warning thing show up soon on Safari. How can I remove that nasty warning thing?

Description of US Marshals Internet Scam blocking iPhone/iPad

US Marshals Internet Scam is classified as a ransomware which has nothing to do with US Marshals department in U.S.A. Cyber scammer designs this kind of ransomware to mislead and scam many iPhone/iPad users in the name of US Marshals logo or image.  Usually it is also called US Marshals. Gov data ://(null) virus or US Marshals warning virus or US Marshals service scam. US Marshals Internet ranosmware is actually a new version of data ://(null) virus which usually targets iOS device including iPhone, iPad and iPod. On that address bar of US Marshals blocker page, it usually starts some letters “Data:text/html” followed by US Marshals.Gov. The fake us marshals warning will say that “Your internet connection is blocked due to illegal activity detected from your device.” or “You are accused of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape/facesitting )…” . US Marshals Internet Scam notices that you are accused of committing the crime covered by States of America criminal law and violating ‘Copyright and Related rights Law’ due to your downloading pirated music, video and so on. It claims that are all reason why your Apple device iPhone/iPad is blocked, and it threats that you are fined and need to summit a penalty of $500 by TYPE YOUR Code of Paypal My Cash Card, iTune gifts card or moneypak within 24/48/72 hours on this matter. If not, you will be put into prison for 5-8 years.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on June 14, 2016 9:06 am

How to remove Cheshire Constabulary Scam?

My phone won’t work and the only thing I see is this page called Cheshire Constabulary Scam. It says I had child/rape porn on my phone, which I don’t have or have ever seen before and it wants me to pay a fine for it. I’ve looked it up on my computer and it says that it’s a virus and I would like to know how to get rid of it. Can you help? Is there a way to remove this scam from my phone? I really need to use my phone now. Please help me remove this stupid thing from my phone. I would appreciate.

Brief introduction of this Cheshire Constabulary Scam

If you are asked to pay $200 to unlock your phone or your tablet and got the attention about Cheshire Constabulary Scam, I would like to tell you that your device has gotten virus. This virus has infected many users’ device like Samsung, HTC, ZTE, LG and so on. When your device gets infected by this virus, your device will be locked and show “ATTENTION! Your phone has been blocked up for safety reasons”. It may say that you have visited some porn websites or something illegal. The mainly purpose of this virus is getting money from you. So don’t pay to the virus to unlock your phone. Don’t be fooled by it. Paying to the Cheshire Constabulary Scam won’t help to unlock your phone.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on June 12, 2016 5:35 pm

Phone locked unless send $200 Amazon gift card?

Hey, my phone is facing some problems now. Every time I turn on my phone, my screen is locked by a message saying I have violated the law for watching illegal materials. To unlock my phone, I need to pay $200 with Amazon gift card. I was about to pay the money as I don’t want to be in trouble with the police. After I went online and search it, I realized that this is a virus. Fortunately, I didn’t pay to this scam. But now my phone is still locked. How can I unlock my phone from this virus? Please help!

Phone locked unless send $200 Amazon gift card? How to Unlock it?

If your phone is locked and you are kept being asked to pay $200 through Amazon gift card, don’t fall into this trap and judge it as a real message coming from the authority. Nowadays, cyber hackers develop this kind of scam virus to attack Android phones and tablets just like what they did to the computers in the past few years. They forge this virus as a real police warning which can threaten victims to pay a great amount of money to them. To make sure this virus looks more real, this virus can show up the accurate IP address and location on the page to deceive users. Under no circumstance, should victims pay the so called fine on the message. Also, users need to be calm down when get the message as police will never do such kind of thing to your device if you really break the law. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on June 6, 2016 5:50 am

Why Does a White Screen Keep Coming up on Android?

Hello, may I ask some question here? Why does a white screen keep coming up on android? A few minutes ago, I browsed a video on webpage about porn thing, and then that white screen warning some porn illegal actions start to keep popping up to block me to do anything on my android Samsung tablet. But actually I didn’t watch banned porn video. It says I break some United Stated laws! It blocks my internet access on tablet totally. I can’t see the settings, photos , contacts and can’t make phone call or text message. Is it really from the FBI police department because it also demands a fine amount of 500 dollars to unlock my android?

Why Does A White Screen Keep Coming Up on Android?

You’re now frustrated with a white screen blocker on your android device and don’t know what it’s and how you could get this white screen warning notice. Actually popping up white screen blocker is caused by a malware which is classified as ransomware. This kind of ransowmare now is common and targets worldwide android users to extort money. This ransomware should be those like FBI warning scam virus, NSA virus, Interpol virus, British Police virus, RCMP Interpol virus, ICSPA virus, or AFP virus. The main feature of these ransowmare has a white screen warning saying your mobile is blocked up for safety reasons. In white screen, the content is written in detail saying ‘You are accused of viewing /storage and or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape etc.)…’ and you are suspected of violation of ‘Copyright and Related rights Law’ as you perform such illegal actions as watching porn material and downloading and distributing pirated music, video. Some victims are confused why they got this scam thing as they didn’t do anything as it mentioned in the white screen warning. However, many innocent victims are still scammed by this nasty ransomware and even summit money as it demands. That’s because that white screen warning masquerades as the solemn looking of FBI, NSA, Cyber Police, Interpol Police, ICSPA or AFP etc to accuse you and demand a fine or $100-$500 or £100-£250 paid by a prepaid card like moneypak, itune gift card,paysafecard  or ukash within 24/48/72 hours as a punishment.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on June 3, 2016 9:35 am

What Happens if Phone is Locked by Homeland Security Notice?

I have a Samsung S6 phone, I gave it to my child for game last night. This morning, when I woke up, I got a Homeland Security Notice on my phone. I can’t close the notice or bypass it, all I can do is to shut down the phone to power it back on. But this notice can reappear after I get the homepage. I don’t know what to do now as I’m not smart on technology. The notice tells that I have broken the law and need to pay $500. Is that true?

Phone Blocked by Homeland Security Notice? How to Unlock it?

Homeland Security Notice is not a real message coming from the authority, instead, it is an evil product created by cyber hackers. It is classified to be a kind of scam virus which is same to FBI virus and Interpol virus. This virus has a specific target group. People who live in USA can be targeted by this ransomeware on their mobile devices or Android tablets. Once this virus sneaks into the devices, it will pop up this fake notice to block the devices. People cannot do anything else on the devices as they are completely locked by this virus. Restarting the infected devices cannot help users get out from this notice as it can always come up, what’s worse, some infected devices cannot be even shut down as this virus can disable all the keys on the devices. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on May 31, 2016 5:34 am

While I was watching porn another tab popped up attention?

Hey, there. Yesterday morning while I was watching porn another tab popped up attention on my mobile saying “Your mobile has been blocked for safety reasons”! And it accuses me of viewing banned pornography, child pornography, zoophilia, downloading pirated music and video and distributing copyrighted contents and so on. I violated some law articles of United States of American criminal law! It demanded a fine of 500 dollars paid by Paypal card. I tried to minimize or exit this attention screen, but it still blocks my mobile screen no matter how many times I try to restart my mobile device. Is it real thing? And am I going to be caught by the police?

While I was watching porn another tab popped up attention? What’s it?

I just found an attractive pornhub on the Internet but while I was watching porn another tab popped up attention about “FBI notice” saying I’ve been doing illegal activities breaking some American law articles. My phone now is blocked totally unless I pay them a fine of 500 dollars within 3 days! If I let 72 hours pass without payment, all staff things on my phone will be deleted and illegal activities will be told to all my contacts! How does that happen? Here we expert will tell you that your device is hijacked or infected with ransomware if you see your mobile device is blocked by such attention notice message printed with logo of government department, law enforcement or police agency (like FBI, US Marshals Gov, US Department of Justice, Metropolitan British Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police or Australian Federal Police) while you’re watching porn thing. This ransomware has been spread for many years but cyber scammer keeps upgrading it to be more aggressive to target more and more devices including Windows computer, Mac machine, iPhone, iPad and android mobile like Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola ,Huawei and ZTC etc. The ramsomware pretends to be those authentic government department and law enforcement office to display fake warning notice to scam people and extort people out of money in this way.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on May 30, 2016 10:22 am and last modified on May 31, 2016 6:20 am.

How to Get Rid of US data://(null) on My iPad or iPhone?

Can us marshals lock your phone for watching animal porn? Hello, this morning my sister got an alert saying the US data://(null) blocking her iPhone. She just downloaded some music online then another tab suddenly popping up to block her to continue anything there. That is a white box saying that she has been watching illegal porn and it’s asking her to pay 500$ by using a prepaid card. She tried to close it so many times and it always says “DATA Letter from the US Marshalls” telling her that she have viewed a restricted site etc etc. We can’t seem to get rid of this data null box no matter what we tried.

Description of US data://(null) blocking iPhone or iPad

US data://(null) blocker virus on iPhone or iPad is actually one of those fake FBI site scam called FBI moneypak virus, FBI virus, U.S. Department of Justice virus or NSA security malware. US crime popup focuses on U.S. user’s of iPhone or iPad mobile device. Similarly, this blocker malware disguises U.S. Marshals. Gov to send fake warning message to accuse people of doing illegal activities and demand inexperienced people a fine of 500 dollars online via using prepaid card, but actually most of cases, mobile users didn’t do anything illegal things online. once US data://(null) virus gets downloaded into Apple deice like iPhone or iPad, it will soon display fake US Marshals crime warning message to take over the whole screen of iPhone or iPad, saying your Apple ID and your mobile device has been blocked for safety reasons. On the top of this long US Marshals gov warning article message screen, it shows you real country, city, detail location, and next it accuses you of viewing porno things, downloading pirated music, video and using or disseminating copyrighted content, which violates “Copyright and Related rights Law”. For those reasons, your mobile iPhone or iPad is locked as a punishment and you also have to send a penalty of 500 dollars within 24 or 72 hours.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on May 29, 2016 3:35 am and last modified on May 31, 2016 3:23 am.


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