How to Remove Android.Trojan.SLocker.DZ On Mobile Device

Help, I got a problem called Android.Trojan.SLocker.DZ on my android phone, to be more specific, I think I have done something wrong then police will accuse me! My phone now is blocked for safety reason with a warning page from the police. It claims that I have broken the law for watching child porn on my phone. I have admitted that I did watch some porn video on my phone but they are all legit. The warning tells me that I need to pay a fine so that I can avoid further punishment and have my device unlocked. I don’t want to go to jail. So if I pay the fine, can I be fine?

Brief Introduction to This Virus

Nowadays, cyber hackers have changed their targets from computers to mobile devices as phones and tablets can help people accomplish many tasks and become a more importance part for their daily life. So many new viruses have been invented to attack the mobiles devices. This Android.Trojan.SLocker.DZ can be one of them made by cyber criminals. This virus belongs to ransomware which mainly targets on Android devices. Once this infection sneaks into the target machines, it can be activated immediately. What it can do to the infected devices is to block the whole system and won’t allow people to do anything on the devices. Some people who encounter this virus can be really scared to think if it is real of fake as there are police logo and authority document listed on the page. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on August 15, 2015 5:51 am and last modified on August 17, 2015 7:30 am.

How to Remove FBI Child Porn Warning Pop-up On Android Device

I have a FBI Child Porn Warning Pop-up on my android. Last night, my son asked me to give him my phone to play games, but when he gave the phone back, I found that it was locked with a warning page. It claimed that I have violated the law for watching child pornography. I was shocked at first so I asked my son if he had done something wrong on my phone. He just told me that he just clicked something by mistake and something had been downloaded on the background then the warning came out. After that, I did some research on the web and noticed that it is a virus. Now my phone is blocked completely, I can’t do anything on it. How can I fix it? Please advise. Hello, my brother last night was on a site and it took him to a whole bunch of sites that ended up being the Pop up of the FBI Child Porn warningpage and threatening that they are going to send to all his contacts that he did something illegal but he didn’t, and they want $500 or they will do it and they have his information, someone help please. I know it’s fake but it’s really scary and we’re panicking we just want it to go away and for the hacker not to send false information to all of my brothers contacts.

Brief Introduction to This Virus

Nowadays, Android devices including phones and tablets have become an important part for the daily life of people as they can help users fulfill many tasks and bring entertainment for the spare time. Under this case, cyber criminals who want to get illegal benefits from innocent people design this FBI Child Porn Warning Pop-up virus to attack the Android device. Those bad crooks abuse the authority to threaten victims that they have done something illegal on their Android devices which police will come after them if they don’t pay the so called fine on the warning page. However, this virus has nothing to do with the police as it is a common sense that police will never lock devices on the web, usually, if a person break the law, police will send agents to his house directly. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on August 11, 2015 11:55 pm and last modified on March 23, 2018 3:04 am.

Remove SOCA Virus from Android Phone, Tablet or iPad

Last night, I used my tablet to find some funny video in a website, then I clicked a link on the page which I though can redirect me to another video. But I realized that after I click the link, there was something downloading on the background on my tablet, and I tried to stop it but I can’t, after it was downloaded, it installed automatically, after that a page from SOCA came out and I was shocked! On the page, it claims that I have broken laws for watching illegal porn or something bad, and it asks me to pay a fine, otherwise I will get into trouble with the police, also, it tells me that I need to pay the fine so that I can unlock my tablet. Is it real? Should I pay the fine as soon as possible? What should I do?

Brief Introduction to This Virus

When you get this SOCA warning on your Android phone, tablet or iPad, please keep calm first, it is not a real warning from police. It is categorized to be a ransomware virus that can attack innocent people from the Internet. Nowadays, cyber hackers have transferred their main targets from computers to mobile devices as phones and tablets have become an important part for people’s daily life. Phones and tablets with Android systems and IOS systems can be easily attacked by cyber hackers as they are commonly used by people all over the world. When people get this SOCA virus on their devices, they will be blocked from using the device as the warning can occupy the whole screen that people cannot bypass it or close it. In order to unlock the device, people are required to pay a fine on the page, but it is totally fake, so people must not pay their money to this page as it is a virus made by cyber criminals. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on August 5, 2015 5:37 am

Remove Fake FBI Moneypak Scam Without Paying Fine 2019

Fake FBI Moneypak scam warning virus ([email protected]) demanding to pay 0, 0, 0, 0 or 0 fine thru Moneypak or paypal to unlock the computer or mobile devices like android phone, tablet, iPad or iPhone? My phone was locked by cyber criminals and don’t know how to get rid of it says I gotta pay 0 I saw the illegal porn site in my file because I was curious to see what it was a downloaded it and then my phone got locked by cyber criminals now, I have the galaxy s7 edge and when I hold the power button nothing happens, I don’t know what to do please help me fix this problem. I was looking at 18+ Content on my iPhone then kicked me out of content and blocked me out of safari and it said i was looking at child pornography which i definitely was not. Now it says i 12 hours to pay 500 dollars to +15095960953 with a prepaid itunes gift card or i will be turned to FBI cyber crime. Please help me know if this legit or a scam. I got this FBI cyber bully virus on phone that’s not even connected and now it’s saying that I have to pay a fee of 0 in 3 calendar days is that true I’m scared? My phone was locked out yes I was looking at p***. I don’t know what I hit that got me to where I was at you can see in past I’ve never Google anything like that and I can now get nothing on my phone but a phone call I put in my security code to open up my phone and it goes right straight to the FBI virus what do I need to do or can you please help me there I’m sure you can see through my activity I am not a weirdo if you need to contact me you will have to call my phone at 616-214-xxxx cuz like I said I can get no messages I can send none nor can I get to my Facebook or messenger thanks for your time I hope to hear from you soon. My brother’s android phone has a FBI scam virus that causes a screen to pop up and say that he has been convicted of watching child pornography (he has not) and that he needs to pay $500. I’ve searched this up and this is definitely a scam, however no matter how many times we restart his phone nothing will cause this warning to go away. Please help. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on August 3, 2015 4:55 am and last modified on April 28, 2019 2:55 am.

Remove FBI Attention Javascript Fine Warning Virus On Phone, Tablet or iPhone/iPad

Javascript popup locked device? What is the internet locked on android $250 fine paypal? Hi, I was online yesterday and all of a sudden this FBI Attention Javascript Fine Warning popped up on my Samsung tablet. I tried to close the download message of an apk file out but I pressed it accidentally and it had this huge FBI warning thing on it. I turned my tablet off and turned it back on, and the scaring FBI Attention alert displays on the tablet screen and blocks it up completely, saying that my tablet was blocked for safety reasons listed on the FBI warning message. I really needed some comforts from others, so I called my best friend who once coincidently picked up a similar FBI virus scam on her iPad. She said that the FBI malware did not block her whole iPad but blocked its Safari and popped up every time she opened the browser. Well, my tablet is still locked now and I have no clue to do with it. Is this FBI attention Javascript Fine Warning alert real? I got a message on on my iPhone telling me to pay 500$ because i clicked on a website and it said i was watching porn, what to do if a message comes up on your Android or iPhone/iPad that says you owe a fine for watching porn? When my iPhone is locked i opened safari and it cam up with a message police attention then a another message came up saying i have to pay $500 to unlock it with a paysafecard. When i hacked by the FBI attention alert spam, how i get rid of it?How to get rid of the FBI block from tablet, iPad or any other device? Please, I need your assistance to unlock my tablet!

Description of FBI Javascript Fine Warning Virus on Android Phone, Tablet or iPad

FBI Attention Javascript Fine Warning Virus has been classified as an aggressive ransomware, and it is not with FBI department. Therefore, this alert message is not from real FBI department. Actually this malware is designed by professional cyber criminals who are qualified with professional computer technology skill. They spread this scam virus online to attack victims’ device and defraud their money. In fact, This malware has been circulated online for a long period. At the beginning, it mainly hits and locks windows computer to threat computer users to send money to unlock their device. Nowadays, Javascript Fine Warning virus is upgraded and now attacks android phone, tablet and Apple products including iMac, iPhone and iPad. On android device, this FBI malware alert usually pops up on the browser like Internet and Chrome to interrupt you and even blocks you out of the browser. Then once you launch the infected browser, the virus message page will soon show on and you cannot use the browser. Even worse, now the FBI attention Javascript Fine Warning virus usually lock the whole phone and tablet screen, which you cannot use the device any more until this alert virus is removed. Now since this alert walmare is upgraded, this infection can lock device with PIN code which you don’t know. Hackers now turn their eyes to the Apple market and they use malicious JavaScript in an attempt to hijack web browser like Chrome and Safari. So on Apple products like iphone and ipad, this ransomware usually locks the browser like Safari and Chrome. Every time when you open the infected browser, the Javascript Fine Warning page shows up immediately to block you access the Internet. And it won’t give you any other options to exit or minimize its page except for inputting a code.

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Published by Tony Shepherd on July 29, 2015 10:29 am and last modified on February 5, 2016 3:46 am.

How to Get Your Phone Unlocked From Cyber Police Virus Warning?

Hi, unfortunately I was hit with this cyber police warning scam what can I do to remove it? They are giving me 48 hours to send $500 thru PayPal which seems strange because it would be untraceable and on top of that if it’s a legal site why isn’t there a contact number? It claimed that I had conducted illegal online activities which I didn’t do and they have my all phone contact information, so now they are threatening me with exposing me to friends and family unless I pay a $500.00 fine through PayPal. Is it real? Anyway, my phone now is locked by this cyber scam. So can you help me get rid of this issue?

Cyber Police Virus Warning Blocked Your Android Phone – How to Unlock?

If you receive message that accuses of doing illegal online activities like viewing and storage of forbidden child porno and zoophilia and so on from cyber police, you get a ransomware on the device where this message popped up. This ramsomware can pretend to be cyber police to send those fake message to scare victims and trick them to pay so-called fine around 100$to 500$ through Ukash or PayPal. This cyber police virus alert will show on android phone, tablet and iphone with different police title in different countries.  For example, in USA, it will be in the title of Mandiant U.S.A Cyber Security or U.S.A Cyber Crime Center; and it will be titled with Metropolitan Police in British. When people see those police title message, they are scared and wondered that they have involved with law issue and worried that they will be taken into jail, so they soon send the money to get their device unlocked. But those scaring message is sent from those who create this scam virus not from real police department.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on July 24, 2015 1:16 pm

How to Remove Government Block From Android Phone, Tablet?

This Government Block scam has seized my HTC phone and it displayed a scaring alert saying that my phone was blocked for safety reasons and I was demanded to pay a fine to unlock my device. According to the block message, any delay of submitting the fine will lead to a deprivation of liberty for several years. I tried to shut down the phone, but I received this Government Block page with message “Attention! Your phone has been blocked for safety reasons” on my screen soon as I turned it back on. Is this Government Block warning message real? If not, what damage or loss will this block scam bring to me? I really freaked out with this block message on the phone and had no idea to get it off the device. What should I do?

Android phone and Tablet blocked by Government Block Scam – How to Unlock?

It is identified that your Android phone or tablet is affected by this Government Block virus scam as long as you received the Government Block message on your Android device saying “Attention! Your device has been blocked up for safety reasons listed below.” The Government Block scam can lock up either the whole screen of your Android phone, tablet or the Internet browser only. It is a changeable ransomware virus that can be named with FBI Department of Defense virus, Cyber Command virus, RCMP virus, PCEU Ukash virus, FBI Online Agent virus, AFP virus and PCEU virus, etc., sharing same scamming features and bringing great damage or money loss to Android victims. As a matter of fact, this tricky Government Block malware scam has become a big threat to worldwide users. It is changed into different variants with various names that are capable of affecting computers running with Windows OS, Mac machine, Android phone, tablet, iPhone, iPad, kindle fire and other devices. Almost all brands of computers, Mac machine, mobile phones and tablets can be affected by this Government Block Scam.
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Published by Tony Shepherd on July 23, 2015 1:14 pm

Javascript Want Money to Unblock?

Yesterday night, I used my Android phone to watch a video on the web, suddenly, a JavaScript popped up and claimed that I have broken the law for watching illegal material. I was freaking out about that as I saw that I will be accused for the crime. I didn’t do anything wrong on my phone, I just wanted to watch a movie. How could that happen? I restarted my phone but as soon as I can saw the desktop, this warning page comes up. Also if I need to get out from this page, I need to pay a fine so that I can escape from punishment from the police. Is that true?

Brief Introduction to This Virus

When people see the JavaScript on their Android phones or tablets, that’s to say, those devices have been attacked by a severely dangerous virus which can be categorized to be a scam virus. It is distributed by cyber hackers on the Internet and can attack Android users all over the world. This virus mainly attack devices with Android systems as those systems are widely used by users in the world. It is not easy for users to prevent this virus to attack their Android devices as cyber hackers have many ways to spread this infection on the Internet. Once this infection sneaks into target devices, it can completely lock the infected devices which can make users not be able to use them anymore. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on July 22, 2015 1:28 pm

Remove Paysafecard Virus From Android Phone,Tablet in 2017-2018

Hi, I cant do anything on my phone, I cant turn it off, i cant get rid of the Paysafecard Virus screen and it says I owe them $500 for illegal content because I downloaded a porn app (don’t judge me) . I cant take my battery out because its a galaxy 5 note please help, i don’t know what to do, i read that its fake so i am not that panicked about it. I really need help on an issue on my Android tablet. I have been accused by watching illegal stuff on my tablet and the page claims that I broke the law for that. Is it real? I didn’t do anything inappropriate on my tablet. I just use it for games and go online. The page also says that I need to page a fine through Paysafecard, otherwise, I will be caught by police and sent to jail. I don’t want to be in trouble with police. I’m about to send the money from this page, can it free me the punishment from the police? Please advise.

Brief Introduction to This Virus

Nowadays, this Paysafecard virus is widely spread on the Internet all over the world. It is classified to be a newly-released scam virus made by cyber hackers. What it targets are the innocent people who use Android devices. Why does this virus have the specific targets? The reason is that Android system is one of the most popular mobile systems which has the largest market shares in the world now. So hackers design this infection to attack those Androids users on their devices. From the research, we have found that there are thousands of people encounter this problem every day. Internet can be the biggest place for cyber criminals to hide this bogus infection as Android users can get attacked by it if they are careless about their online activities. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on July 21, 2015 1:11 pm and last modified on December 11, 2017 8:21 am.

How to Fix “Your Device Has Been Blocked Up”

Last night, I used my Galaxy S6 to go online to watch some funny video, I clicked a link on the screen accidently and I realized that the phone was downloading something on the background automatically. A few minutes later, a pop-up appeared on my screen saying that my phone is blocked up for safety reason, and it claims that there is a fine for me to pay, otherwise I can’t use my phone and the police will come after me. I can’t get out from the pop-up, I was scared. Is it real? I got that darn cyber police virus and it says “Your Device Has Been Blocked Up”. Please help. The one where they want me to pay $100. I’ve never had a virus before. I’ve pinpointed it to a video that tried to automatically download. I’ve tried to remove this video and it won’t let me force stop nor uninstall it. What should I do now?

Brief Introduction to This Pop-up On Mobile Device

If you can see “Your Device Has Been Blocked Up” on your mobile device, which means your device has been infected with a malicious scam virus. Nowadays, cyber criminals have transferred their targets from computer users to mobile users as mobile devices have become a very important part in people’s daily life. People can use mobile devices to manage their E-mails, go online for entertainment and many other things. The system from Apple Company and the Android from Google Company have become the most 2 famous mobile systems that cover almost 90% of market shares. So, in this case, cyber hackers create many malicious apps and websites to attack the users all over the world on the Internet. So when innocent users get attacked by those viruses on their devices, they can hardly distinguish if they are real or not as they are newly-released by cyber criminals. Read the rest of this post »

Published by Tony Shepherd on July 1, 2015 12:57 pm and last modified on March 14, 2016 7:56 am.


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