Why You Can’t Watch Popcorn Time in China?
Popcorn Time is a free online streaming service. You can watch the best movies and TV shows on Popcorn Time instantly in HD, with subtitles. Best of all, it is free. Popcorn Time is constantly searching all over the web for the best torrents from the most important sites. You are allowed to watch any movies and TV shows as many times as you want. And if the movie is out there, Popcorn Time will find the best version possible and start streaming it right away. You can watch Popcorn Time on any devices including Mac, Windows PC, Android and iOS mobile. And as long as you connect your device with internet, you can enjoy your favorite movies and shows anytime and anywhere in America. However, Popcorn Time is not allowed to access in China and other countries and regions due to region censorship and geo-blocking. How to Watch Popcorn Time on Mac in China? China creates strict Internet censorship to control or suppress what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet enacted by regulators, or on their own initiative. Internet censorship in China – Great Firewall especially blocks social media and live streaming websites like Popcorn Time, Netflix, Hulu, Spotify and Pandora music etc.
Published by Tony Shepherd on December 17, 2017 5:34 am and last modified on December 18, 2017 8:27 am.