Try LastPass, the best password manager, password generator, and vault for free today! LastPass simplifies your life as LastPass makes and remembers your passwords, so you don’t have to! As a world’s leading password manager, LastPass takes data protection as their first priority. LastPass implements AES-256 bit encryption with PBKDF2 SHA-256 and salted hashes to ensure complete security in the cloud. You’ll create an account with an email address and a strong master password to locally-generate a unique encryption key. Your data is encrypted and decrypted at the device level. Data stored in your vault is kept secret, even from LastPass. Your master password, and the keys used to encrypt and decrypt data, are never sent to LastPass’ servers, and are never accessible by LastPass. So, your data is encrypted and protected in a high level by using Lastpass. What’s more, LastPass uses Two-factor authentication standard to add extra security to your LastPass account by requiring a second login step before authorizing access to your vault.
Published by Tony Shepherd on May 7, 2018 9:12 am and last modified on July 3, 2020 7:43 am.