I realize some abnormal phenomena on my computer. My homepage has been set to YellowfinTuna.com and this redirect virus is going to drives me mad. I get non-stop popping ups and after I give up to this YellowfinTuna.com Redirect virus, it never stops its actions. I still get the pop-ups and the result it gives me for my search is not exactly the same from some legal search engines such as Google or Yahoo. What it suggests to me are some ads pages and I don’t like any of them as they seem not reliable. How can I get it off from my computer?

Details about YellowfinTuna.com Redirect Virus

YellowfinTuna.com redirect virus is another newly released browser hijacker virus on windows machines. It infects all kinds of browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, IE and Google Chrome. It has its own ways to get into computers while it is able to escape from the scan of any antivirus software because it seems too much like a fine website. It is a website and that is why it cannot be found by any antivirus programs. All those software will think it as a normal site instead of a browser hijacker virus. As the victim mentioned above, it never gives you good search results but some its domain and promoted sites. They are mostly taken use of by remote cyber criminals to make illegal profits. When you visit those web sites it promoted, some potential threats on those sites are possibly get into your computer. It is rather risky than unsafe to click on those unreliable links it gives you.

What we should notice is that this browser hijacker virus can not only make changes to your computer settings but also cause damages to your system files. It messes up those files by replicating itself or corrupts them. Thus more and more programs you installed on your computer will not react properly and most of them are likely to give you no responses all the time. An obvious thing you could note is the extreme slowness of your computer performance. It is caused by the malicious actions of this YellowfinTuna.com Redirect. More than we could tell, this redirect virus always takes full use of its places in your computer system. It can seeks out the vulnerable parts of your system and make it more and more easily to be invaded by any other online or offline viruses.

Enlarging the possibilities of infections is one of its tricks. It can do more than that. YellowfinTuna.com Redirect is able to access to your remembered databases on the infected computers. As we know, many computer users like to remember account details to make it convenient to use in future. However, if your computer is infected with a virus especially like such pesky one it is unsafe any more. Your personal information is viewed by the virus and it will send them to its creators like its targets. Those remote hackers will either sell your information to other shopping sites or use your details to send out unsafe threats online. That means they make illegal activities in your name though you don’t have a hint on that. But you cannot find them out. How dangerous it is!
Note: Manual Removal, though is the most effective way to remove the virus, requires expertise and which is for advanced users, if you don’t have much experience in dealing with redirect virus. Contact YooSecurity Online PC Experts for removal assistance.

Screenshot of YellowfinTuna.com Redirect

yellowfin tuna redirect

Your computer might infect this virus via unsafe freeware, shareware or advertising-supported programs such as various browser add-ons or toolbars. Once it enters in your computer.

Manual Removal Step by Step Instructions

Step A: Open Windows Task Manager to end process related to the redirect Virus. To do that, press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys at the same time to pull up Window Task Manager; go to Processes tab on top and scroll down the list to find.


Step B: Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options. Go to Folder Options window, under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.


Step C: Press Windows+R keys to pull up Run box and type in “regedit” to open Registry Editor.


Step D: Delete all these associated files and registry entries with this browser hijacker in Registry Editor as below:


Step E: Change home page back from this unwanted YellowfinTuna.com on targeted browsers.

Similar Video Guide On Browser Hijacker Removal:

Conclusion :

How do we do to protect our computers from being infected by YellowfinTuna.com redirect virus? We should pay more and special attentions to those packages we are going to install while they are from some unknown or free websites. Those sites always replace the right packages with some similar programs. If we are not careful enough we are likely to be cheated by it and download the wrong one. When we install something onto our computers, we should take it slowly and make sure we don’t check any options it auto-checked. Most malicious tool bars or viruses often spread in that way. If you find your computer is in danger with such infections you should remove it as soon as possible before it makes more damages.
Note: Have spent too much time in fixing the problem but failed? To avoid any mistakes, please contact YooSecurity Online Experts in time to save your computer.

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on September 24, 2013 8:16 am

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