Computer blocked by Ihr Computer ist gesperrt Virus? My laptop is infected with a nasty malware and it is totally locked my computer, it looks like GVU Ihr Computer ist gesperrt lock screen. Screen pops up on computer from Europe law with webcam on. It is blocking your computer if child porn sites be visited, when computer blocked says to pay 100 euros.How to take Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus block off laptop?

Have you heard of this ransomware before? Are you scared when this lock screen virus pops up?

Ihr Computer ist gesperrt is a new ransomware thing detected by YooSecurity Labs that attacks computers in many Europe countries, such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland and some other German-speaking countries. Similar to Interpol Department Of Cybercrime virus or Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section Virus, it claims that the files on your machine to the disabled for viewing, copying and duplicating video elements of porn. To unlock your computer you need to pay a fine of 100 euros. For this purpose, any terminal pay or buy a Ukash voucher Paysafecard on that amount. More sites Please send the voucher by e-mail [email protected]. In the case of payment of an amount equal to the penalty in return you will receive an unlock code. It must be entered in the field. After unlocking you must remove all materials that contain elements of violence and porn. In the case of non-payment, all data on your personal computer will be permanently blocked. What to do?Once the Ihr Computer ist gesperrt scam locked your computer then it starts to scare you that you will arrested for violation of Europe law, and it will report a lot of risks and warn you that your computer is in extreme danger. Yes, your computer has been blocked fully after you turning on it in 10 seconds. You are unable to do anything including running antivirus to kill the ransomware. Cannot get rid of all these detected dangers? Do you want to pay for it to unlock your computer? Please don’t! This Ihr Computer ist gesperrt Virus is a big scam and you don’t have to believe anything it tells you.

To save your computer, Live Chat with YooSecurity Expert Now. You can also follow the manual removal guide below to get your problem fixed. (For advanced computer users)

Screenshot of the computer locked virus

Ihr Computer ist gesperrt Virus

What happens if the Ihr Computer ist gesperrt locks your computer?

Have you received warning massage that required you to send them your money in order to unlock your computer? One of the victims said:”i meant all i do on the computer is play games and watch videos on Youtube … and Facebook of so i am not scared of anything being taken from me but it slow my computer down almost to a stop”. If your computer has been locked by this malware, you will receive a warning about the violation of Europe law. If you neglect this warning massage you will get your computer system freezes. However, if you follow the message and send your money to the specific account you will never get your money back and still cannot unlock your computer. Actually the message from the so call GVU Ihr Computer ist gesperrt is absolutely fake malware which is designed to cheat your money. That is not the true letter from the real GVU because if you really violate any laws or copy right the GVU will contact you personally instead of sending a warning message and asking for your money. Normally, you may receive the warning message like this:

Sie begingen Strafhandlungen die gesetzeswidrig sind und die strafrechtlich geahndet werden.
Die Funktionen Ihres Computers wurden aus Gründen unbefugter Netzaktivitäten ausgesetzt.
Im Weiteren sind mögliche Ursachen angegeben:
Artikel – 174. Urheberrecht
Freiheitsentzug von 2 bis zu 5 Jahren (Nutzung oder Verbreitung von urheberrechtlich geschütztem Material)
Geldstrafe in Höhe von 18000 Euro bis 23000 Euro.
Artikel – 183. Pomografie
Freiheitsentzug von 2 bis zu 3 Jahren (Nutzung oder Verbreitung von pornografischen Dateien) Geldstrafe von 18 000 Euro bis zu 25 000 Euro.
Artikel – 184. K/nderpomogrsfie (unter 18 Jahren)
Freiheitsentzug von 10 bis zu 15 Jahren (Nutzung oder Verbreitung von Dateien mit Kinde rpornografie).
Geldstrafe in Höhe von 20 000 Euro bis zu 40 000 Euro.
Artikel – 104. Terrorismusförderung
Freiheitsentzug von 25 Jahren ohne Recht auf Revision (Besuchen von Seiten von terroristischen Vereinigungen).
Geldstrafe von 35 000 Euro bis 45 000 Euro mit Beschlagnahmung von Eigentum.
Artikel – 68. Verbreitung von Virenprogrammen
Freiheitsentzug bis zu 2 Jahren (Erstellen von Virenprogrammen, die anderen Computern Schaden zufügen).
Geldstrafe von 15 000 Euro bis 28 000 Euro.
Artikel – 113. Verwendung von nichtlizensierter Software Freiheitsentzug bis zu 2 Jahren (Verwendung von nichtlizensierter Software). Geldstrafe von 10 000 Euro bis 22 000 Euro.
Artikel – 99. Betrug mit Zahlungskarten
Freiheitsentzug bis zu 5 Jahren (Handlungen mit der Nutzung von Zahlungskarten oder dessen
Reguisiten, die nicht vom Eigentümer getätigt worden sind).
Geldstrafe von 30 000 Euro bis 75 000 Euro mit Beschlagnahmung von Eigentum.
Artikel 156. Verschicken von Spamnachrichten mit pornografischem Inhalt Freiheitsentzug bis zu 2 Jahren (Verschicken von Spamnachrichten mit pornografischem Inhalt durch Emails oder soziale Netze). Geldstrafe von 16000 Euro bis zu 38000 Euro
Bitte beachten Sie: Die Geldbuße kann nur innerhalb von 48 Stunden beglichen werden, wenn die Geldbuße innerhalb von 48 Stunden nicht beglichen worden ist wird es nicht mehr möglich sein den Computer zu entsperren. In diesem Falle wird gegen Sie automatisch ein Strafverfahren eingeleitet.

How to Remove Ihr Computer ist gesperrt Virus Manually?

You are trying to fix the Ihr Computer ist gesperrt Virus using Hitman Pro, but you cannot get past the Welcome screen in Windows 7 that prompts you to choose a user to Login? Ihr Computer ist gesperrt Virus is a newly released computer lock virus. Many computer users from Europe just got a pop up on their computers saying that they have violated a Europe law and they have to pay 100 euros to get their computers unlocked, lots of people did some research online and it seems to be some type of scam, yes, it is indeed a scam. And unfortunately its on your main acct and you cant gain access to it from your sub user name you are logged into but you cant get back to it either. how do i fix bug on computer that says illegal content on computer pay the GVU? Manual removal of Ihr Computer ist gesperrt scam is recommended here. Also, please consider making a backup of important files and data before you do anything to change the computer structure.

1. Restart your PC before windows launches, tap “F8” constantly. Choose“Safe Mode with Networking” option, and then press Enter key.

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together to open Windows Task Manager and then end related process Ihr Computer ist gesperrt Virus].

3. Press Windows+R keys to open the Run window and then type in regedit to open Registry Editor.

4. Delete associated files of the Ihr Computer ist gesperrt Virus virus from your machine completely:


5. Search for all related registry entries infected by virus and wipe them out:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegistryTools” = 0
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableTaskMgr” = 0
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\IEXPLORE.EXE\shell\open\command “(Default)” = ‘”%LocalAppData%\random”‘

6. Reboot the computer to normal mode when the above steps are done.

Video Guide to Manually Remove GVU Virus Step by Step


Up to now you knew that every one when your computer is locked by some “This operating system is locked due to the violation of the Europe laws. It say you have to pay €100 or I will be arrested in 48 hours. Say I must pay through paysafecard. Please don’t Ihr Computer ist gesperrt to unlock your computer. Once you did, money will be targeted! The spent money will not be returnable. Clear on that point, then try to get rid of this virus manually. when a screen comes up GVU blocked for laptop how do you unblock?

Note: If you have followed the manual removal guide above correctly in time, then you are supposed to get rid of Ihr Computer ist gesperrt Virus from your computer. If in case you failed to deal with this nightmare yourself. Please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online to rescue your whole system.

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on May 27, 2013 7:40 am

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