Have you just got a report from your antivirus software saying that there is a Trojan.Ransomlock.AA virus inside your system and it’s extremely dangerous? And why can’t you remove this Trojan virus by the antivirus? What are the remaining ways one can use in order to get rid of this virus?

Trojan.Ransomlock.AA Virus Description

Trojan.Ransomlock.AA is defined as a nasty Trojan infection which may have been just released on the net. Different from other common Trojans, this newly created one is mainly focus on collecting information from PC users and helping remote hackers take control of the infected PCs all over. With the ability to escape from most antivirus protection, Ransomlock.AA Trojan virus will not be removed by PC protection programs. So it is a headache to completely get rid of this Trojan virus.

How does Trojan.Ransomlock.AA virus infect your PC and how can it help hackers to take control over? Besides from collecting valuable information to benefit remote hackers, this Trojan infection can also weaken the protection of the system and extend the vulnerability so that more viruses and spyware will be able to sneak inside to create more damage. You may come across a lot of pop up ads and redirection online. Fake antivirus programs could also pop up asking you to pay for their full versions so that they can help you remove all the detected problems. When the situation gets worse, the whole computer screen might be locked by some warning pages from the national institutions. Furthermore, Trojan.Ransomlock.AA virus is also believed to have the ability to drop malicious codes inside the infected system so remote hackers can control the infected PC.

Do not want computer suffer more from Trojan.Ransomlock.AA virus? Contact YooSecurity Online PC Expert now to save your computer right away.

Steps on How to Get Rid of Ransomlock.AA Trojan Virus

Since your antivirus programs cannot get rid of this nasty Trojan virus successfully, and among the remaining ways, manual removal is the most suggested here. However, advanced PC skills are required if you are doing this on your own. Otherwise, any small mistakes can lead to more serious problems. In case you stuck in the middle of removing Trojan.Ransomlock.AA virus and need to do it all over again, please make sure you have done a backup of wanted files so that you won’t accidentally remove any of them.

Step 1: Open Windows Task Manager to end processed related to [Trojan.Ransomlock.AA]. To do that, press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys at the same time or right click on bottom Task Bar and select Start Task Manager.

Step 2: Show hidden files. Go to Folder Options from Control Panel. Under View tab, select Show hidden files and folders and non-select Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) then click OK.

Step 3: Go to Registry Editor. First press Windows+R keys and then type regedit in Run box to search.Delete all the following or those related to the following filesand registry entries:


HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Regedit32
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegedit”
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\{rnd}=disable

Video on How to Modify or Change Windows Registry


Have you ever wondered that even if you have installed antivirus tools, there are still risks to be infected by viruses such as Trojan.Ransomlock.AA infection? Let’s take a look at the ways to be infected. First of all, this Trojan virus is coming from the Internet. It can be hidden beneath hacked or porn web sites; it can also be bundled with malicious programs or free unwanted tools. Generally speaking, you may have done something inappropriately on the net but may not do it with purpose. Visiting hacked web sites, downloading and installing unknown programs or share files with infected PCs could all be the reasons for you to be infected by this Trojan.Ransomlock.AA. Looking it from a different point, you can also conclude some basic rules to keep your PC safe and clean. 1) Stay away from unfamiliar web sites or webpages with constant pop up ads; 2) download and install authorized programs only; 3) scan downloaded files before usage; 4) install full version of antivirus and keep it updates; and 5) run scans once in a while. But all in all, once the infection is already done, the most importantly and urgent thing to do is to get rid of this Trojan virus as soon as possible.

Notice: Due to the fact that this Trojan.Ransomlock.AA infection can b changeable as time goes by, it requires expertise to define and delete files related to this Trojan virus. If you are stuck at some point on the above guide or cannot make up your mind to delete files, please contact Online PC Expert right away.

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on June 3, 2013 3:35 am

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