Is this a safe page? I keep being redirected to it when I go online. All of my browsers are controlled by this page. I have tried to modify the default homepage from browser settings, but nothing has changed. I don’t know too much about this domain. I have received many pop-ups from this page. My computer is really slow now. How can I get rid of those pop-ups? Any good suggestion?

Brief Introduction to This Page looks like a normal domain for people to visit. However, the makers of this domain are cyber criminals. This page can help those bad crooks achieve their illegal purposes easily. We can call it as a browser hijacker or redirect infection. Many online security companies also list it as a computer threat. From technical aspect, this computer threat is not a virus. That is to say, when this browser hijacker sneaks into target computers, PC users will not be able to receive the warning alert from their anti-virus programs. By cheating people with a misleading appearance, some computer users can even treat it as a safe site for them to visit. Do not take this domain as a harmless web page, it can make great chaos to your system if you keep it on your computer.

The Screenshot of This Hijacker

Cyber hackers who design this browser hijacker can spread it with a lot of ways. Generally, hackers can put this hijacker to the pages that have already been controlled by them. Under this case, when people go to visit those corrupted pages, they can be redirected to this hijacker page directly. Also, hackers can implant this hijacker to some commonly downloaded programs. After people install the infected programs to their computers, this hijacker can sneak into the target systems in the mean time.

Once this hijacker infiltrates the target machines, it will modify the system registry arbitrarily. Some system settings can also be changed by this hijacker. Browsers installed can be controlled by this redirect infection. The default homepages and search engines will be replaced by this hijacker. Many people can be cheated by its appearance to judge it as a search site. If they try to use this hijacker to find information on the Internet, they will never get what they want. Instead, a lot of irrelevant pop-ups can appear which can slow down the performance of the infected computers. Those links can contain other kinds of computer malware which can make the situation of the infected computers even worse.

The properties of Browser Hijacker

-Can not be detected by your anti-virus software, which makes it hard to uninstall from the computer.
-Once you open your browser, you will be redirected to some unknown websites.
-Can slow down the performance of the computer, or even blue screen.
-Can pop up many unwanted advertisements when you are doing something else.
-Can change your settings in your browser and it is not easy to change it back.

If you find any symptoms listed above showing on your computer, then your computer must be suffered with a browser hijacker that causes you keep being redirecting to this Welcome to contact YooSecurity Online PC Experts for manual removal guide. Also, we will provide a short removal guide below for computer literate.

NOTE: Being afraid to do any wrong operation during the process of removing this browser hijacker? Please contact YooSecurity Online PC Experts, we are here to help you:

Manual Removal Guide of Browser Hijacker (For Computer Literate)

There is a removal guide of Browser Hijacker provided here; however, expertise is required during the process of removal, please make sure you are capable to do it by yourself.

Step 1: Find Ctrl, Alt, and Delete these 3 keys and then press them together to open task manager to end the process related to this hijacker, the name of the process of it is random.


Step 2: Try to find Folder Options in Control Panel, select the View tab, and then tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.


Step 3: Click on Start button at the right lower corner, then click on Control Panel


Then you will come to the Control Panel windows, click on Add and Remove Programs


Then try to find the program which relates to this browser hijacker, highlight it and choose Remove, the program’s name is random.


Step4: Change your homepage in your browser (Take Internet Explorer as an Example)

From the Navigation toolbar in Internet Explorer, click Tools and select Internet Options.

IE tools

Then type the URL you want into the Home page box and then click OK


Similar video on browser hijacker removal:

Conclusion: is not a legit search engine for people to keep on their computer. It is a bad product created by cyber hackers who want to gain illegal benefits from victims. If your system is infected with this hijacker, you need to be cautious as this hijacker can help many other kinds of computer viruses to come and make more damages to your system. Your sensitive information saved on the infected computers can be stolen by this hijacker. If you don’t want to suffer from computer damages and financial losses, this hijacker must be removed in time.
Suggestion: To follow removal guide that mentioned above, a level of computer knowledge is needed. Still can’t get out of Contact online experts for help now!

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on August 29, 2016 1:20 pm

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