What is Win32/Sirefef.AN?
Trojan:Win32/Sirefef.AN, another new Trojan detected by some antivirus, is hard to remove via a normal anti-virus. Many people have tried to reboot their infected PC in safe mode to scan and tempt to delete it bu in vain. Before we can easily remove Trojan:Win32/Sirefef.AN, we have to know what exactly it is. As the person who has been caught by this virus says, when you get infected such virus, your computer runs more and more slowly. Through in your computer there is security guard software to protect your computer, it appears that even if the most excellent antivirus is hopeless for cleaning it completely. What was worse, the antivirus itself may be band by the virus because it will bring in much other malware and rogue anti-spyware to crash your system. Trojan:Win32/Sirefef.AN is really an extremely tiny Trojan with powerful sustaining strength. The most dangerous part of this Trojan is not from itself but from those follow-up series viruses it import to your computer. As many Trojan common features show us, this Trojan also militates through background. So it’s also hard to detect by normal anti-spyware. The background progress is actually provides all the personal information covertly to the hackers who run the show behind your back. This will lead to more danger such as property loss and Mental damages if the hackers make use of your information to do something illegal. Such virus should be removed as soon as you find it. Maybe when you find it, the virus has not done much harm to you. Or it just as if stays there but doesn’t do anything bad to you. If you think so and let it alone, I may very responsibly tell you that you will be regretful. Get infected by Trojan:Win32/Sirefef.AN? Hurry up to drag it away from your computer forever!
To get an easy way to remove the cunning virus, YooCare PC online service is recommended for you:
Screenshot of Trojan Win32 Sirefef.AN
Key sentences to judge if your computer has been infected this Trojan Virus
A. Your computer is something not normal as usual such as running very slowly.
B. When you open the Task Manager, you can find some strange progress which you never found before.
C. Some of your computer functions are unavailable or some normal legal program can’t run or there are unusual conditions of them.
D. It always constantly happens that your system has errors somewhere.
E. Lately, your computer system will be totally destroyed.
Best Way to Remove Win32/Sirefef.AN Step by Step?
Please follow these steps to get rid of the Trojan:Win32/Sirefef.AN Trojan manually:
Step 1: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. Open the Windows Task Manager.
If that didn’t work, try another way. Press the Start button and click on the Run option. This will start the Run tool. Type in taskmgr and press OK. This should start the Windows Task Manager
Step 2: Within the Windows Task Manager click on the Processes tab. Find the process by name. random.exe.Then scroll the list to find required process. Select it with your mouse or keyboard and click on the End Process button. This will kill the process.
Step 3: Delete malicious registry entries.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\random
Step 4?Remove malicious files of Trojan:Win32/Sirefef.AN Trojan
Video of Key Steps on How to Modify or Change Windows Registry:
Based on various situations and computer skills, you can choose the following solutions fit for you.
1. Follow the steps we provide to manually remove the virus.
2. If you failed to remove Trojan:Win32/Sirefef.AN with the method above, please consult YooSecurity certified professionals to remove it completely. Live chat with professionals now
Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on November 14, 2012 2:29 pm
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