Hey, please help! There is a virus on my phone Samsung Galaxy S3. It is locked and I cannot do anything now. The whole screen is all about West Yorkshire Police. It said my phone has been locked, and if I want to unlock my phone, I need to pay £100 via Ukash, and then it says all phone data will be detained and criminal procedures will be initiated against me if the fine will not be paid. & it’s telling me I need to get an Ukash in order to pay off the £100fine. I’m really scared. Is this really or not? Do I need to pay the fine?

Description of West Yorkshire Police Virus on Android Phone

West Yorkshire Police Virus (also called West Yorkshire Police Ukash Virus) is a new version of Metropolitan Police Ukash Virus. It has been distributed for along time and mainly attacks computers with windows system and Mac. Now cyber criminals become more and more greedy; they upgrade the virus version to make it easily and aggressively infect android phone in order to obtain more fake fine. So now this phone market is exploited, phone is easier to get this virus. West Yorkshire Police virus is a nasty virus and conducts same destructive activities on phone as it does on the computer. As soon as it drops on your phone, it will modify your phone system setting, and then the whole phone screen will be covered with its fake warning alert. It claims that your device was used for illegal purpose and has been locked for violation of UK laws, and also tells you in detail that your activities are involved with the following situation: Visiting websites containing pornography, viewing and distributing pornographic content, spreading spam, illegally using or distributing copyrighted content and so on. And it completely locks your phone and doesn’t allow you to do anything on your phone. In the alert window, it also claims that your device has been blocked to prevent further violation of law and you have to pay penalty equal to £100 via Ukash or paysafecard within 24 hours to unlock your phone. If you pay the fine in time, your phone will be released within 24 hours. But if you don’t, all the data will be removed from your phone and criminal procedures will be initiated against you automatically after 24 hours. Many people may believe that is true and pay the fine, but eventually their phone are still locked and make money loss. Therefore, don’t be such a fool to trust this scam malware but to take prompt action to remove it completely from your phone.

West Yorkshire Police Virus is widely distributed online, which increases a high risk of getting infected with this ransomware when you surf online. Most people get infected with this virus by browsing unsafe websites. Cyber hackers can upload this virus files to websites that they have already hacked into. Those websites could be porn web pages, music and video websites, even some famous legit websites and so on. When people click on the malicious links to open the infected websites on their phones, this virus can be downloaded immediately. Once this malware virus gets downloaded, it can be automatically activated right away. This fake police virus can get into your phone and make some changes in the system settings. Thus it can control your phone to display a warning message that occupies the whole phone screen which can’t be closed or minimized. Phone users can’t even use the power button to shut down the infected phone. This fake warning can appear as soon as the phone is turned on. To protect your phone from being infected with this virus, you should be cautious when you surf online on your phone.

How to remove West Yorkshire Police Virus from your Android phone? As the West Yorkshire Police virus locks up your Android smartphone and blocks your access to the screen, you won’t be able to download any security apps to deal with this West Yorkshire Police malware, but actually there is not a perfect security app that can help you delete this virus to unlock your device properly and further protect your phone from being invaded by this malware and other similar ransomware like DOJ virus, FBI virus and RCMP Ukash virus etc. In this case, removing it manually with sufficient expertise online is the best way for phone users to completely kick it off from android phone.

Main Traits of West Yorkshire Police Virus on Android Device

1. It is designed to lock your Android phone asking that you need to pay for a fine from £100 to £500 to unlock your device. In fact, it is just a big scam.

2. It locks your Android, claiming that you’ve violated the law of local office by visiting illegal information online.

3. As soon as it gets on your phone, it will block you access to your device and prevent you from doing anything there.

4. It helps cyber criminal remote access to your Android device for stealing your personal information and other sensitive information.

If you find any symptoms listed above showing on your Android phone, then your phone must be suffered with a malware infection(which can be West Yorkshire Police virus, Metropolitan Police virus,FBI virus, Australian Federal Police virus and RCMP Ukash Virus etc.) that blocks your access to your Android. Welcome to contact YooSecurity Online Experts for manual removal guide. Also, we will provide a short removal guide below for Android phone literate.

NOTE: Being afraid to do any wrong operation during the process of removing this West Yorkshire Police virus from Android phone? Please contact YooSecurity Online Experts, we are here to help you:

West Yorkshire Police Virus Manual Removal Guide on Android Phone

1. Since your Android device is blocked by West Yorkshire Police virus, you will need to restart your phone to safe mode which starts up without loading any third-party add-ons. By this way, you are capable to carry out malware removal steps on your Android. Here are two examples for you to put your Android phone to safe mode.

a. For Samsung Galaxy S4: 1) Power down your Android phone. 2) Turn on and repeatedly tap the soft-button for “Menu.”

b. For Samsung Galaxy S3 and others: 1) Power down. 2) Turn on till you see the Vendor’s logo, press and hold Volume Down (Galaxy S3 and others), Volume Up (HTC One and others), or Volume Down and Volume Up together (various Motorola devices).

Note: If you have put your Android phone to safe mode successfully, you should see a text “Safe Mode” at the bottom left corner.


2. Once you have put your phone in safe mode, you are capable to uninstall malicious apps you’re your Android phone. However, the manual removal process of harmful apps requires sufficient expertise. To safely deal with the West Yorkshire Police virus and other dangerous apps, you had better contact an expert online for further removal help.


West Yorkshire Police Virus is also an aggressive scam virus to block your phone screen totally. It pretends to be authentic West Yorkshire Police to send you fake message, lock your phone and make you pay a penalty to unlock it. It is created by cyber criminals to defraud victims to pay fake fine. Even though you pay for the fine, your phone still cannot be unlocked. It performs evil activities to android phone and help hackers to steal phone user’s crucial personal data for illegal purpose. Like other ransomware DOJ virus, FBI virus, U.S. Department Homeland Security virus, PCEU virus etc., this virus is also very infectious and dangerous to mobile device. To have knowledge of how to protect phone and be cautious to online activities is a good way to block this virus access to your device. Therefore, to minimize the damage it may cause to the data and system of your phone, it is important to remove this scam virus as soon as you find your phone has been infected.

Kindly Reminder: Have tried many ways but still can’t get rid of West Yorkshire Police Virus on phone? Contact online experts for help now!

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on September 22, 2014 1:46 pm

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