My computer has been locked by Polícia de Segurança Pública Virus Ukash scam? They want me to pay 100 euros or else with 72 hours? Is it real or just fake thing? I am scared. How to  unlock  PC from the locked screen?

Computer Blocked by Polícia de Segurança Pública Virus Ukash Scam €100?

If your computer screen is locked, and there is a message that appears to be from the Portuguese police demanding a payment of 100 Euro for several violations, then there is a very good chance that the computer has been infected by the Polícia de Segurança Pública Virus (Portugal) and action will need to be taken right away to get the virus removed. Like the Mexico Police virus, this is a very common ransomware attack that targets users in Portugal and the hackers infect file sharing sites as well as porn sites with this virus. The amount of traffic that these types of sites receive is extremely large and they are able to infect thousands of computers daily this way. Users that visit those types of sites tend to blindly click on pictures and download links without ever thinking that there is a potential risk for infection. Also, the fake warning message suggests that the PC has been locked due to the illegal use of copyright material, distribution of pornographic material, and also the involvement in SPAM.

With the chances very high that the user picked up the Polícia de Segurança Pública Virus (Portugal) through one of those kinds of sites it leads them to believe tat this might be a real threat, and they pay the “fine” because they are scared and do not want to risk future fines or even legal issues. The hackers are using threats as a way to extort money from these computer users. While they might be guilty of the accusations it is important to know that the police are never going to lock a computer or demand money be paid online, especially not through a prepaid option like the warning message demands.

The hackers demand that the payment be paid by ukash or a paysafecard, both of which are prepaid method. They even display a list of stores that offer these services. The use would go to the store and pay for one of these cards and load it with cash, then enter the pin number of the card on the warning screen, which will instantly transfer that money to the hackers without the ability to get it back once the scam is revealed.

To save your computer, Live Chat with YooSecurity Expert Now. You can follow the manual removal guide below to get your problem fixed. (For advanced computer users)

Screenshot of Ukash Polícia de Segurança Pública Virus Scam


Computer Locked Because of Polícia de Segurança Pública Ukash Virus

While the warning message will lock the computer and prevent the user form using any features or opening any browsers, it indicated that the computer will be unlocked within 72 hours of receiving the payment. This is not true, and anyone that does pay the fine will quickly realize they have been scammed when the computer remains locked after the 72 hours has passed. The warning message displayed reads:

Polícia de Segurança Pública
Guarda Nacional Republicana
Ministério da Administração Interna
ATENÇÃO! O seu PC está bloqueado devido a, pelo menos, por uma das seguintes razões.
Você violou “Direitos de Autor e direitos conexos com a lei correspondente. (Vídeo, Música, Software) e uso ilegal ou distribuição de conteúdo protegido por direitos autorais, assim, infringido o artigo 128 do Código Penal da República Portuguesa.
O artigo 128 do Código Penal prevê unia multa de 200 a 500 salários mínimos ou a privação de liberdade de 2 a Panos.
Você estava a ver ou distribuir conteúdo Pornográfico proibido (Pornografia InfantiliZoofilia e etc). Violando assim o artigo 202 do Código Penal da República Portuguesa. Artigo 202 do Código Penal prevê uma pena privativa de liberdade de 4 a 12 anos. Acesso ilegal a dados de computador foi iniciado do seu PC, ou você tem sido…
O artigo 208 do Código Penal prevê uma multa de €100.000 eiou a privação de liberdade de 4 a 9 anos.
Acesso ilegal foi iniciada do seu PC sem seu conhecimento ou consentimento, seu PC pode ser infectado por um malware, porque, você está violando a Lei sobre uso negligente do computador pessoal.
O artigo 210 do Código Penal prevê uma multa de €2.000 a €8.000.
O distribuição de spam ou publicidade ilegal tenha sido efectuada do seu PC como uma atividade com fins lucrativos ou sem o seu conhecimento, seu PC pode ser infectado por malware.
O artigo 212 do Código Penal prevê uma multa de até €250.000 e uma privação de liberdade até 6 anos. Se esta atividade foi realizada sem o seu conhecimento, você será culpado conforme do referido artigo 210 do Código Penal da República Portuguesa.
Sua personalidade e endereço estão identificados, um processo criminal vai ser movido contra você sob um ou mais artigos especificados acima nas próximas 72 horas.
De acordo com a alteração do Código Penal da República Portuguesa de 04 de fevereiro de 2012, esta infracção da lei (se isto acontecer pela primeira vez) pode ser considerado como condicional no caso de você pagar a multa para o Estado.
AS multas só podem ser pagos durante 72 horas após a infracção. Assim, depois de 72 horas, a possibilidade de pagar a multa será expirada, e um processo criminal será movido contra você automaticamente dentro das próximas 72 horas!
O valor da multa é €100. Você pode pagar urna multa PaySafeCard ou Ukash.
Quando você pagar a multa, seu PC vai ficar desbloqueado de 1 a 72 horas após o dinheiro serão depositado na conta do Estado.

Best Way to Remove Portugal Police Ukash Virus Malware Scam Efficiently

Since the Portugal Police Virus Polícia de Segurança Pública Virus places itself into the PC system and totally blocked your computer. Removing the virus manually is always the best option as you can’t do anything at the moment. YooCare/YooSecurity provides the most professional online PC service. YooCare experts can plan out a solution to access your computer in safe mode with networking at first. When it’s possible to do that, their experts will do as follows:

Before all you people who are going to get in safe mode with networking or safe mode with command prompt, you need to keep hitting F8 key, where is the key?


Step A: Restart computer in safe mode with networking. To do this, just need to press F8 key constantly before the system is started like this:

safe mode with networking

Step B: Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys to open the Task manager to stop the progress of Ukash Portugal Police Scam Malware. Because the name will be changed fast, it will be show with different name.

Step C: Delete all the files related to Polícia de Segurança Pública Scam Malware.

Step D: Delete registry entries of Ukash Polícia de Segurança Pública Virus created in computer system.


HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings\WarnOnHTTPSToHTTPRedirect 0

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Settings\ID 4

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Settings\UID [rnd]

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Settings\net [date of installation]

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system\ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin 0

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system\ConsentPromptBehaviorUser 0

By the way: Woke up and turned on the PC then got a locked screen saying to pay a fine within 48 hours? I don’t think it’s legitimate or is it? It is fake Malta Police Association. Manually remove Ukash Malta Police Association Virus is a rather difficult work, if you are not a professional computer expert. We recommend you to get YooCare/YooSecurity online service 24/7 in time. This is the real fastest and safe way to remove it.

Video Guide to Remove Polícia de Segurança Pública Warning Virus


Once it is discovered that the Polícia de Segurança Pública Virus (Portugal) is a scam and that the warning message will not disappear even after payment it is time to remove the virus files. This is the only way to get the PC unlocked. It is best to avoid automated software as it can miss some of the files. Doing it manually will help ensure that all of the virus files are properly deleted. See above for complete manual removal instructions. But this is a pesky virus, you must have some skills, otherwise, it is risk for you to take the tutorial.

Special tips: Have problems on fixing your computer about the Portugal police virus? Don’t want to get things worse, please contact PC experts now to unlock your computer and remove Polícia de Segurança Pública Ukash scam safely and completely.

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on March 19, 2013 1:49 pm

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