I believe my web browser got something abnormal. When I opened some web sites, it frequently redirected me to lnksdata.com and some other web sites I don’t know, which looked very odd. I remember the last time I used my computer. I watched a video on a site which I always visited. Then at the lower right corner, a small window looked like some advertisement popped up and ask me to click it. I clicked “Close” but it still directed me to that lnksdata.com site. Then my browser went crazy. Help me please!
lnksdata.com Redirect Specification
A lnksdata.com Redirect is a virus that can easily occupy your web browser and change all your previous settings. When you get this virus infection, you will always be redirected to some strange web sites. Those sites are not safe to visit. Most of them are fishing websites. A lnksdata.com redirect virus can easily change your homepage of your web browser and bookmarks to others that you never want even it can block your attempts to access to particular web resources. The attempt of the redirect is to promote some products or some other programs to you. Is a word, those redirected web sites are often advertisement pages. When you get this lnksdata.com Redirect, you will be annoyed by it because it’s just like your web browser gets out of control. Finding a good method to get rid of it is necessary .
Users’ PCs infect lnksdata.com Redirect on their browser when they surf the Internet and click something carelessly. This lnksdata.com re-director aims at to installing some blackguard addons on your web browser so that it can easily redirect you to some adware web pages when you visit some normal web sites even if you don’t want at all. lnksdata.com Redirect was designed to promote some infamous adware to you which my contain lots of viruses. When you open your web browser to view some pages you want, those hateful adware always pop up to annoy you to break you visiting other web sites or stop you visiting other web sites you want. This redirector has many other similar forms such as Qvo6 redirect.
Special remind: Live Chat with YooSecurity Expert Now, or you can follow the manual removal guide below to get your lnksdata.com problem fixed. (For advanced computer users)
Why Is lnksdata Redirect Dangerous?
A. It will make your computer run more an more slowly.
B. When you open the Task Manager, you will find some strange progress which you never found before.
C. Every time you open your browser, you are redirected to some odd web pages.
D. Your browser runs more and more slowly.
E. lnksdata.com Redirect always pops up some irritating advertisements even if you don’t want.
Best Way to Remove lnksdata.com Redirect Step by Step?
Step 1: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. Open the Windows Task Manager.
If that didn’t work, try another way. Press the Start button and click on the Run option. This will start the Run tool. Type in taskmgr and press OK. This should start the Windows Task Manager
Step 2: Within the Windows Task Manager click on the Processes tab. Find the process by name. random.exe. Then scroll the list to find required process. Select it with your mouse or keyboard and click on the End Process button. This will kill the process.
Step 3: Delete malicious registry entries related to lnksdata.com Redirect.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\random
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products\SFSER3453SDFDSGSD2HJW0454 “(Default)”=”1?
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\“UninstallString” = “‘%AppData%\[RANDOM]\[RANDOM].exe” -u
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\“ShortcutPath” = “‘C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\34slfsjfslfd3462.exe” -u’”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce “34slfsjfslfd3462” = “‘C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RANDOM.exe’
Step 4: Remove malicious files of lnksdata.com Redirect
Video of Key Steps on How to Modify or Change Windows Registry:
To be safe, once you have found that your computer might has been infected such lnksdata.com Redirect, please don’t be hesitate removing it as soon as possible. You know, lnksdata.com is a malicious hijacker which can easily bring in much more other real dangerous viruses into your computer. So as time goes on, if you leave lnksdata.com alone, your computer my be accumulated more and more serious issues. But never consider those so called free software to remove Ads.adk2Redirect. According to most of surveys, a great majority free software is malware too. So don’t believe them. For safety, contacting a PC expert for help is an urgent affair.
Note:If you failed to remove lnksdata.com with the method above, please consult YooSecurity certified professionals to remove it completely.
Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on April 27, 2013 3:02 am
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