Well, last night, I surfed on the Internet as usual, suddenly, I got a pop up, then I clicked on it wrongly. I know I should not do that. After that I got JS/Ofuscator.HO in my computer. I don’t know what it is, so I ignored it. But today, when I power on my computer, I find my computer performs weirdly. My computer becomes extremely slow. I suspect that JS/Ofuscator.HO which I got in my computer last night is the reason. I googled it and I know that this is one kind of virus. Do you know the effective way to get it off my computer? Could you help me to remove it?

Description of this JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus

There is no doubt that JS/Ofuscator.HO is an annoying Trojan virus. It is created to infect online users’ computers to get some information. It has been distributed over the Internet for a long time. This JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus is able to change system settings. Then the infected computer performs strangely. There is possibility that the infected computer is installed many other viruses such as malware, spyware and Trojan also. In this case, the computer’s memory space will be eaten up and then the infected computer will become more sluggish and more sluggish. The worse is the computer may crash down. Unfortunately, common security tools are not supposed to remove this virus completely.

Furthermore, this JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus is capable to make the cyber criminal have the ability to collect the computer users’ sensitive information such as credit card accounts, pass word, email, phone number and address. The cyber criminal may take advantage of the users’ information to make money or do other illegal things. In general, the computer users don’t know when and how does the cyber criminal get their information. When the user realizes their information have been uncorked, there is no chance to redeem. So the only way to keep the cyber criminal from getting the users’ personal information is to remove this JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus immediately.

How does the JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus infect online users’ computer

This JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus is very nasty. If the online users pay no attention to the suspicious links, spam E-mail, unknown program and fake update websites, there will be a chance for virus to infect the computer. So I would like to remind you that when you intend to visit some unknown website or click on the attachment from the unknown email, please think twice and be more careful.

Some properties of Trojan virus

♦ Can make the infected computer sluggish or even crash down
♦ Can change the infected computer system settings
♦ Can make your computer get more infections like spyware and malware
♦ Be able to get online user’s confidential information

Warm prompt: It’s complicated for people who are not computer savvy or not familiar with the virus to remove the JS/Ofuscator.HO virus. You can contact YooCare/YooSecurity PC professional online service for help:

The following is the Removal steps for Computer with Windows

There is a removal guide of Trojan provided here. However, expertise is required during the process of removal, please make sure you are capable to do it by yourself.

1st Press Ctrl, Shift and Esc keys at the same time to open the Windows task Manager. Then click the “Processes” tab at the top to find the suspicious processes to stop them.


2nd Go back to desktop and then click “start” at the left hand angle then type “regedit” in Search programs and files box, then press Enter key and you will open the “Registry Editor”


3rd In Registry Editor, please find the suspicious registry files related to this JS/Ofuscator.HO virus. They are usually in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE. If you can’t find the suspicious registry, you are welcome to contact our expert for help.


4th After you find the suspicious registry files, you need to find the location of the .exe files of the Trojan virus. In general, they will be located in operating system drive. Click start >> Computer or My computer. Usually, the operating system drive is Local Disk (C:)


5th All the files related to the Trojan virus will be in Windows >> System 32. Find all the related files of Trojan virus and then delete them. Just make sure that what you delete is not the operating system or your computer system will crash. If you are not good at it, we are welcome you to ask for an expert for help.


Video of Key Steps on How to Modify or Change Windows Registry:


JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus is very dangerous. Once the computer gets stuck with this JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus, the infected computer will get weird. The computer system settings will be alerted and there will be a chance to make the virus makers do what they want to. The virus maker may add weird files to the infected computer, and the computer will become slower and slower. Except this, the infected computer may get more infections like spyware, malware and other Trojans. This JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus can damage the computer system or make the computer crash down. What’s more, the cyber criminal is able to steal computer user’s confidential information by JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus. They may make use of the users’ sensitive information to do business with the illegal company to earn money. To keep confidential information in safety, the victims should remove this JS/Ofuscator.HO Trojan virus without delay.

Warm prompt: If you are not computer savvy or not familiar with the virus to remove JS/Ofuscator.HO virus. You can contact YooCare/YooSecurity PC professional online service for help:

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on March 20, 2016 4:42 pm

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