I just find many random popup ads happening on my web browser Google Chrome, it is very strange that Motitags Toolbar is installed there on browser. I even don’t know when I get this toolbar installed. The homepage is replaced with this unknown page www.home.tb.ask.com . Everything seems like normal but when I open webpages and surf online, popup ads ransomly display every corner of the screen, it is very crazy. I guess Motitags Toolbar should be the culprit. How can I uninstall this Toolbar?

What’s Motitags Toolbar and How Does it Come to Your Computer?

On the website which promoting Motitags Toolbar, it claims that Motitags Toolbar can enhance and strengthen user’s web browser’s browsing experience by enabling smileys into popuplar email service like Gmail, Yahoo!, AOL and Outlook Live. Evne you can add smiles into your blog posts. This toolbar and its functionality seem legitimate and many users suppose that it is safe. However, Motitags Toolbar is a potentially unwanted browser plugin or add-on or adware to web browser, because this toolbar can infiltrates browsers like Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Firefox by using a deceptive free software marketing method called ‘bundling’. That is why it can cause unwanted and browser redirections to home.tb.ask.com. To illustrate, the Motitags Toolbar can sneak into the system by bundling with free-charging software. When internet users install the malicious free-charging software, this toolbar will be installed into system and embedded in browser. Once this Motitags Toolbar is installed into the web browser, browser redirect will happen and random popups will keep showing on the webpage you browse. Your infected web browser will become slow and often get stuck when you open many pages at the same time, or even the browser will soon crash down.

Motitags Toolbar can get into the your computer by bundling with free software, ransom popup, phishing ads, unsafe and unlicensed websites, phishing email attachment or spam and scamming email. If you accidentally click on these malicious thing mentioned here when you’re surfing on the internet, this toolbar will soon get installed into your computer. Motitags Toolbar not only can cause browser redirects issue, but also can slow down computer performance. It may produce some junk files to take up too much system capacity and memory. When you boot up your infected computer, you will find it starts slowly. Some strange and unwanted program related with this Motitags Toolbar can automatically add into the start-up items, and these unwanted programs can automatically start up while you’re turning on your computer, that is why it takes a long time to boot up the system. Gradually, some unwanted and malicious programs or files can be installed into system by popping up the random phishing ads. The popup ads caused by this Motitags Toolbar are actually carried some unwanted program even virus, malware or ransomware. you’re suggested to remove this Motitags Toolbar as soon as you find it on your web browser to avoid any further damages.

What Bad Activities will be Caused by Motitags Toolbar?

-Can change your homepage or the default search engine and it totally prevents you from changing them back

-Can always redirect you to other websites

-Can pop up various advertisements and sponsored links randomly to interrupt your online activities

-Can create many junk files which occupy a lot of space in hard drive

-Can download other malicious programs into computer, which make further damage.

-Can collect and send data concerning your search history and other browsing activities.

-Your sensitive information can be tracked and stolen by hacker who can access to your computer with the help of browser hijacker.

NOTE: If you find any of these symptoms on your computer, that proves your PC is under attack and seriously infected with Motitags Toolbar. If you are not a computer savvy, Please contact YooSecurity Online PC Experts to remove this browser hijacker for you.

The Screenshot of Motitags Toolbar

Manual Removal Guide of Browser Hijacker (For Computer Literate)

There is a removal guide of Motitags Toolbar provided here; however, expertise is required during the process of removal, please make sure you are capable to do it by yourself.

Step 1: Press CTRL, SHIFT and ESC  these three keys together at the same time to pull up Windows Task Manager; click Processes tab on top and scroll down the list to find and end odd processes related to this Motitags Toolbar. Names of the processes are random.

Windows Task Manager

Step 2: Open Control Panel from Start Menu, then open Programs, click on Uninstall a program. Find suspicious programs or tool-bars related to the Motitags Toolbar. Right click on it and select Uninstall.

Programs and Features

Step 3: Go to Folder Options in Control Panel, select the View tab, and then mark “Show hidden files, folders, and drivers” and unmark “Hide protected operating system files” (Recommended) and then click Apply or OK.

Folder Options

Step 4: Go to Registry Editor to delete the path of the related items with the Motitags Toolbar hijacker.

Registry Editor

Step 5: Clear all history, data and cookies of your infected web browser.

Motitags Toolbar Browser hijacker has the ability to insert into web browser and spy on user’s online activities, so it is suggested to delete all history, data and cookies of the infected web browser before a complete removal. Take Internet Explorer for example:

a. From the “Tool” menu button in the upper-right corner of the Internet Explorer window, choose “Safety” > “Delete browsing history…“.

Delete Browsing History 1

b. Then tick Cookie and website data and History, click Delete.

Delete Browsing History

Step 6: Change your homepage of the infected web browser (Take Internet Explorer as Example)

From the Navigation toolbar in Internet Explorer, click Tools menu and select Internet Options, then click General tab, and input the URL you want into the Home page box and then click OK.


Similar video on browser hijacker removal:


Motitags Toolbar is not a safe browse plugin or add-on. web browser will first perform improperly. Browser often gets stuck, hang or unresponsive. DNS server settings of some websites are changed and you’re blocked to access the site.  Strange and unexpected toolbars, bookmarks, add-ons will stay on your web browser. When you’re browsing online, you will be disturbed by tons of endless irrelevant pop-ups. But you don’t click on any of them as your computer system can be attacked by more other virus or malware. Motitags Toolbar also has a bad effect on computer performance. It will slow down performance of computer, which will let computer run slower than before. Your computer may get hang or frozen for some time while you runs many programs or perform many tasks at the same time. even worse, this Motitags Toolbar can assist cyber hackers to collect your personal information stored on the Internet and computer disk in order to gain more illegal benefits. Please get rid of this browser hijacker as soon as possible before any damages and data loss caused by it.

Suggestion: To follow removal guide that mentioned above, a level of computer knowledge is needed. Still can’t get out of Motitags Toolbar browser hijacker? Contact online experts for help now!

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on June 13, 2017 4:57 am

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