Good morning, could you help me with my iphone? I am abroad and would like to download photos to my computer. I have 3 USB outlets on the computer and have tried to connect the phone but it is not reading. The computer can’t recognize my phone. This has not happened to me before. I have checked that 3 USB are available, I am sure that this is not USB hardware issue. So how could I fix this then connect my phone to the computer? I need to transfer my photos to the computer, it is urgent, please help me!!!!!
Computer don’t recognize iphone – what happened?
When you want to transfer your pictures and other files to your computer, can you connect to your computer successfully? If the answer is “not”, don’t worry, it is a common issue that computer can not recognize iphone or other apple devices. If you get this issue, the version of your device may not be the latest one, or you have installed itunes incorrectly. You can fix this issue effectively then do what you want to do. The way to fix this “Computer doesn’t recognize iphone” problem is showed below.
How to fix this “Computer doesn’t recognize iphone” problem?
I have the latest version iTunes installed on my computer (Windows 7). ITunes seems to work ok, but when I connect the iPhone (iOS 9.2) to the computer via USB port, it doesn’t appear and be recognized. The Explore do recognize the phone and I can copy photos from it, but iTunes doesn’t react to it and fail to detect my iPhone.
My iPhone 6 plus will not be recognized as a device in my PC. I cannot sync to anything to add music or any kind of iTunes media that isn’t instantly downloaded to my iPhone. My phone will charge but my PC won’t give a prompt saying a device is plugged in. This is not an issue with drivers because I have troubleshooted already and I have tried a different cord and even a different PC.
1. First of all, if you have this problem, please make sure that your USB port and USB cable are workable. If the USB port and USB cable are available, you could try this basic way: Restart both your computer and iphone. In some case, this basic way can help to fix this common problem. If it can’t resolve this issue, please view below.
If the version of your iphone and itunes are not the latest, this problem could appear. Thus you need to upgrade both your iphone and itunes. When the upgrading finish, please restart your computer and iphone again and connect your phone to computer again to see if the problem has been resolved.
2. This issue also could happen after you upgrade itunes software. During the process of the upgrading, some of components may be damaged or lost. You may install the itunes wrongly so when you try to connect your iphone to the computer, you fail. In this case, you are supposed to uninstall the itunes and reinstall it again.
3. If you have tried all of the ways offered above but you still can’t fix this issue , thus this issue could be a complicated one, to resolve this problem quickly and safely, you are recommended to contact an online experts for help.
Kindly Reminder: If you have spent much time to fix this “Computer don’t recognize iphone” issue and you still can’t fix it now, why not contact yoosecurity online experts for help?
Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on November 24, 2016 7:37 am
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