Do you know how to uninstall Autodesk Pixlr completely from your computer in Windows 10? Before we go further to get the answer, let us read a detailed review about the Autodesk Pixlr first and well understand what Autodesk Pixlr is, and if you really want to remove it from your system.
About the Autodesk Pixlr
Autodesk Pixlr is a photo editing software and it is completely free to use. It has extensive range of editing tools, which are used to edit your photograph with lots of new add-on tools. Now, Pixlr is available for both online and offline mode, pixlr has built by using the Flash concept that it required the plug-in to work. Pixlr is also based on cloud technology that offers a comprehensive range of editing the images and photos as well as the Pixlr was used for non-professional use. This application has supported from simple to advanced level photo editing.
Pixlr is a good choice for designers and freelancers. All of its tools and functionalities look like similar to the Photoshop. The Pixlr delivers the stunning designs even you don’t know about designing skills. The pixlr is also available for a browser extension, mobile application and software for your personal computer and it highly supports the MAC iOS applications. The Pixlr is used to support all types of image formats such as JPEG, PNG, PDF, GIF, WebP, SVG and PSD formats, but the only wondering thing in Pixlr is user-friendly layout tools.
Autodesk Pixlr Tools Functionalities and Overview:
The Pixlr tool has some unique features for making changes in photos. All of its actions have been stored in a layer’s format, so you can edit, hide, or delete from your system.
1. Layers – Manage all activities in your work
2. Filters – Provide various type of effects with quick ways
3. Magic Wand tool – Select the particular area within the image
4. Brush tool – Provides various effects like smoke, winter, and other effects instantly
5. Blur/Sharpen/Smudge tool – Made some changes in the image like blur, sharpen effects
6. Clone tool – Copied the particular area in clone effects
7. Sponge / Color tool – Implement various color format and make some smooth effects
8. Gradient tool – Make different combined color effects and transparencies
9. Object Transform tool – Make the adjustments like height, width
10. Digital inking tool – Make your image to ink effects
11. Digital Painting tool – Make your image to paint effects
12. Adjustments tool – Make the adjustments like movement and other changes
13. Texts & Fonts tool – Implement the text and fonts above the image
14. Lasso select tool – Quick selection tool for image background such as freehand, polygon effects
15. Eraser tool – Erase the unwanted area in an image
16. Color replace tool – Change color tone like RGB, CMYK effects
17. Image Retouching tool – Make some changes in color and image layout
18. Shape tool – Having pre-defined shapes like star, circle, polygon, rectangle, square shapes
19. Lasso select tool – Select the image area with freehand, polygon, square shapes selection
20. Heal tool – Remove the spots, unwanted objects in an image
21. Pen tool – Draw the lines manually and cutting effects using pen tool
22. Eraser tool – Erase the unwanted area from the image with the brush
23. Marquee select tool – Make to select the rectangular shape, square and circle shape
24. Cutout / Mask tool – Remove the background and make changes in a particular area
25. Liquefy tool – Grow, shrink and push part of the images
26. Photo Collage tool – Make arrange multiple images in a single frame
Types of Autodesk Pixlr Tools:
Pixlr is completely working on web-based image and photo editing tool that is designed specifically for graphic designers, photography professionals and freelance workers. If your professional is photography, the Pixlr tool is greatly suitable for your work and the user can access the software with a different type of devices such as PC, Tablet and Mobile phones, etc.
The Pixlr photo editing tool has three types of versions and each having different functionalities and graphic editing style programs such as:
1. Pixlr O-Matic
2. Pixlr Express
3. Pixlr Editor
Pixlr O-Matic:
It is lightweight software, which is available to access free image editing tool that allows the user to include different type of effects and the version is used to transform your pictures in professional-looking. Also this version has available in Mobile application as well as it is the fun and photo editing tool to include retro effects and transform your photos into cool vintage effects and you can be made your combined picture with collage format within a few seconds.
It is lightweight software, which is available to access free image editing tool that allows the user to include different type of effects and the version is used to transform your pictures in professional-looking. Also this version has available in Mobile application as well as it is the fun and photo editing tool to include retro effects and transform your photos into cool vintage effects and you can be made your combined picture with collage format within a few seconds.
Advantages of Pixlr O-Matic
• Collage multiple photos in a single frame with a quick time.
• Predefined borders and frames are available to make your photos professionally.
• Lightweight software performing speed action.
• You can use different types of fonts and layout from online; it makes stunning effects on your photos.
Pixlr Express:
Pixlr Express is an online photo editor that allows and used to apply the quick filters, brush effects, stickers, borders, frames and other cool effects. If you want more add-ons, you can install it from online. Pixlr Express is very simplified image tool; it offers similar competences as most modern devices.
Pixlr Editor:
Pixlr Editor is like the Photoshop tool. It is also a browser-based editor and used to create an image or import the image from your local computer to web. Even the user can edit by using more than 20 tools. The Pixlr editor is updated online and you can import the image to your local system. It seems this software is good, so if you will change your mind and don’t continue to find a guide on how to uninstall Autodesk Pixlr completely in Windows 10? If you still can not make a decision, just go ahead to learn more about this software.
Pros of Autodesk Pixlr:
• Pixlr is available for the desktop version, web version and working as an add-on in Google.
• The user has not needed to download anything to work, because it is online-based and automatically updated.
• Supports all cross platforms like Windows, MAC, Android, iPhone, and Browsers.
• The three platforms provide a different way of editing your photos
• Less cost for the pro version, its included our budget
Cons of Autodesk Pixlr:
• Inconvenient workspaces, less work area in software
• Pixlr doesn’t support TIFF (Total Image File Format) and BMP (Bitmap image) format files
• Pixlr doesn’t have the online integration for photo storing and can’t able to paste the images in the working area.
• Poorly enhanced mouse control
• Inconvenient brushes layout causes difficulties
• Stamp tool doesn’t work properly
• Slow and adjustment tool make some poor performance
• Auto-Fix work tool is not working properly
By reading the introduction of Autodesk Pixlr, and found it has many great advantages, do you still want to uninstall it from your computer. If you don’t know how to uninstall Autodesk Pixlr completely from your Windows 10, follow the step by step guides below.
How to Uninstall Autodesk Pixlr from Windows Operating System
Manually uninstall Autodesk Pixlr from Windows 10 (For Advanced Users Only)
Step 1: Uninstall itself. (There are three options for readers to follow)
a) Uninstall it from Start menu.
b) Uninstall it from Apps & Features. Click Start menu -> choose Settings (the gear in the left) -> System -> Click Apps & Features. Highlight Autodesk Pixlr and select Uninstall.
c) Uninstall Autodesk Pixlr in Control Panel. Follow the tips on the picture below -> Remember to select Autodesk Pixlr and click Uninstall.
Step 2: Manually get rid of Autodesk Pixlr and its all leftovers away. (IMPORTANT STEP)
*For added protection, please back up the registry before you modify it.*
Check the following folders and delete associated files first.
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk Pixlr
- C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\
- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Next, you have to get rid of all entries from Windows registry.
Press Windows + R, and type in regedit in RUN box, then press Enter. It’ll open Registry Editor.
Navigate to the Registry key: (You do this by clicking on the plus sign next to each key in the path to expand the path below it. )
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ (For 32-bit system users)
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ (For 64-bit system users)
Kindly Reminder: You are welcome to contact online support if you need any assistance, just click the below button for help.
Automatically Uninstall Autodesk Pixlr with a Third-Party Uninstaller – Uninstallor (RECOMMENDED)
Step 1. Free download Uninstallor. Launch it then select “Autodesk Pixlr” from uninstall list, then click on “Analyze Now” to begin scanning.
Step 2. Uninstall Now. Click on the button to completely uninstall Autodesk Pixlr from your computer.
Step 3. Remove Now. Click on the button to remove all leftover files and registry entries of the Autodesk Pixlr completely.
Uninstall Completed! Up to now, Autodesk Pixlr has been uninstalled completely from Windows 10 on your computer.
Video Guide for Uninstalling Autodesk Pixlr Completely
Kindly Reminder: If you want to easily and safely remove/uninstall Autodesk Pixlr from your computer successfully like Windows or Mac, you are suggested to try Uninstallor, which will help you do all things.
Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on June 23, 2020 10:12 am
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