How do you eliminate Trojan.Yather from your computer? I have got this Trojan virus on my Lenovo computer, unfortunately. And I did follow kinds of removal tips I searched online but none seemed to make a difference. All the removals are such frustrating and I still cannot successfully get rid of the virus completely. It seems to impossible to erase. What are your tips?

Trojan.Yather Trojan Virus Infection Detection

Trojan.Yather infection has been reported by more and more computer users recently. It becomes the headache of thousands of PC users due to its ability on infecting and damaging. It’s well-designed by cyber criminals to attack computers with Windows operating system including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 worldwide. In most cases, computer users get Trojan.Yather virus attack by clicking on some links that have been implanted by this Trojan virus. Some email attachments and freeware that provided by some unsafe resources can also cause this virus infection.

Trojan.Yather is a malicious Trojan horse infection which gives the remote hackers access to the infected computers. Besides that it is also enabled by its creators to install additional Trojan attacks which can drain the computer available memory capability greatly. The most significant result can be the extremely bad performance of the infected PC. You may also realize that some of the programs you have installed on the infected computer cannot run properly. And they could crash or get errors when you are using them. Since the virus will generate more and more other threats on the infected system so the detection ability of the firewall will be more and more vulnerable. As a result you may find more than one infection on it later on.

Note: Manual Removal requires expertise and it is for advanced users, if you don’t have much experience in dealing with redirect virus.
Contact YooSecurity Online PC Experts for removal assistance.

Symptoms of Similar Trojan Infection :

– This virus can escape from most antivirus protection and get itself installed on computers especially with Windows operating systems.
– It can cause constant stuck or even blue screens on the infected computers.
– Computer users will experience constant security pop ups on the computers which may not truly represent the status of the PCs.
– Certain malware or spyware may be prompted by these fake security pop ups which will end up scamming money.
– Sensitive data like privacy can also be stolen and taken advantages by cyber criminals.

Manual Removal Step by Step Instructions

Up till now, there is not a perfect antivirus that can detect this pesky Trojan virus or delete it completely. Trojan.Yather has been updated by remote and backstage cyber criminals and is able to escape from the scan of any anti-virus programs thus it is hard to be removed or even found. The most effective way is to remove it manually. The following instructions need quite level of computer expertise. If you don’t know how to that correctly, please contact with YooSecurity online support now!

Step A: Check on your start menu if there are any programs that you are not familiar with. The strange ones will often related to the virus process as it can start automatically with the windows. You can press on Windows key or just click on the start menu to view it. Please notice that you need to click on All Programs to have an overall check on it.

start button
Step B: To remove the Trojan the first thing we need to do is to end its process thus we will not get the error message when we delete its files. To do that, open Windows Task Manager to end process related to this Trojan infection. You can press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys at the same time to pull up Window Task Manager; go to Processes tab on top and scroll down the list to find.

windows task manager

Step C: Always any virus files will be hidden files. So we need to show hidden files before we are going to delete them. Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options (As an easy way you can open a folder and hold Alt key and tap on T, O key one by one and folder option window will pops up). Go to Folder Options window, under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click Apply and then hit OK.

folder options

After we can see hidden folders and files we can go to system files and delete the infected files. The path of the virus often can be found from the antivirus which detects it.

program data

Step D: After we delete the virus files from system data we get to remove the registry of the virus from registry editor to prevent it from coming back. You can get Registry Editor by pressing Windows+R keys to pull up Run box and type in regedit to open Registry Editor.

Run box

The following is how Windows Registry Editor looks like.

Registry Editor

Step E: Delete all these associated files and registry entries with this Trojan virus from Registry Editor. The registry files are listed randomly. Besides, you need to delete the infection files of the redirect virus from your system files to prevent it from coming back. Those files are named randomly also but may be different on different operating systems.

Video on How to Modify or Change Windows Registry Safely:


Having Trojan.Yather in the system is a risky thing because it consumes system resources considerably and makes your PC run extremely slowly. Sometimes the sick system cannot work and the PC gets into a crash all of a sudden. Though this is the bad result after a long term infection we still need to pay attention to it because it is not Trojan.Yather virus only that ruins the PC but the following troubles it brings after it has settled down. If you want to have a clean and safe searching environment when you are on the internet you should get all threats removed as soon as you find any. To keep a good habit on using computer is to save our privacy and important data.

Note: Have tried many methods but failed to get rid of this Trojan virus? If you have no clue, please contact YooSecurity Online Experts in time to save your computer.

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on March 14, 2014 5:29 am

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