I was searching some recipes for my cooking online last night, suddenly, some strange pop-ups came out and I clicked them by mistake! After that I had been taken to some porn sites, I closed those pages immediately. But my tablet got locked a few minutes later. I don’t know why. A page from SA Cyber Police can always pop up when I turn on the screen. It claims that I watch child pornography! I swear I didn’t do anything illegal on my tablet. My tablet now is completely locked, I can’t use it anymore. What should I do? Is the warning real? Am I in trouble?

Brief Introduction to This Virus

Can this SA Cyber Police really lock your Android phone or tablet on the Internet? The answer is negative. This SA Cyber Police Case Virus is an evil product created by cyber hackers. In the past few years, this kind of fake police virus mainly target Windows computers and Mac machines. Nowadays, with the rapid development of Android devices, cyber hackers design such kind of ransomeware virus to gain more illegal benefits. Once this kind of virus sneaks into target devices, it will block the whole system or restrict the Internet access. Once users turn on their device or use the browser, they will be blocked by a warning page and asked to pay a great amount of money. It is useless to unlock your device if you plan to pay the so-called fine listed on the page. If this virus cannot be completely removed, your device can always be locked by it.

Similar Scam Viruses Screenshots on Android Device


This SA Cyber Police Case Virus can be widely hidden by cyber criminals on the Internet. Usually, cyber hackers can implant it to those pages that have already been corrupted. Pages especially porn sites can be the main places for hackers to store this infection, once users go to visit those affected pages, their devices will be targeted by it instantly. Also, cyber hackers can design this virus to be a fake app for people to download and use. This fake app can be downloaded automatically if people come to some dangerous pages on their devices. It can install itself once it is downloaded. That’s why some users can be puzzled why their devices be locked even they didn’t do anything wrong.

Once this SA Cyber Police Case Virus infiltrates target devices, it can be activated instantly. It will occupy the whole screen with a warning message. To make it looks more real, cyber hackers can forge the warning coming from police which can threaten victims more. On the warning page, people are accused for doing illegal activities on the devices and will be taken to jail for 5-8 years if they don’t pay the fine. When seeing the jail punishment, some inexperienced users will pay to the virus without hesitation. However, paying the fine will not help you solve this problem and your device can still be locked as it is a scam virus. It has nothing to do with the police, all it wants to do it is to use the authority to cheat people to pay.

The Traits of the Infection

-Can lock the device and won’t let you do anything on it
-Tells you that you must pay for the violation of law by using MoneyPak or some other ways.
-You are charged for doing something illegal, but actually you didn’t.
-Tells you that your activities in this device have been recorded and your files have been encrypted.
-Your IP address and some basic information are listed on the page.

Finding all or some of these symptoms on your android device, sorry to say that your device is infected by SA Cyber Police Case Virus. Please contact YooSecurity Online Experts for manual removal guide.

Manual Removal Guide to Unlock Your Android Phone from Fake Police Warning (For Literate)

There is a removal guide provided here; however, expertise is required during the process of removal, please make sure you are capable to do it by yourself.

Step 1: Try to access the safe mode on the infected device.

What is safe mode on an android device? Just like the safe mode on Windows computers, the safe mode on android device is a diagnostic mode. It is intended to fix the issues that happen on the problematic device. In safe mode, the phone will reduce functionality. Typically, the safe mode loads as few executable modules as possible and disable all the non-core components to run. In one word, safe mode only runs the system without the third-party software.

How to get the safe mode on an android device?

There are too many brands of android devices in the world, so the way to get the safe mode can be various. We will only take a group of them as examples, if you can’t follow the tips to get the same mode on your device, please go online to find the right way to access the safe mode as the safe mode is premise to remove this infection from your device.

For Samsung Galaxy S4: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on and repeatedly tap the soft-button for “Menu.”

For Samsung Galaxy S3 and others: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on, then press and hold Volume Down (Galaxy S3 and others), Volume Up (HTC One and others), or Volume Down and Volume Up together (various Motorola devices) when the vendor’s logo appears.

If you have managed to select Safe Mode, you will see the text “Safe Mode” at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Step 2: If you can find “Safe Mode” on the left hand corner, that means your device is in safe mode already, please contact our expert for further removal instruction.


Once your device is infected with this SA Cyber Police Case Virus, you will not be able to use it as you will always get this block page. You cannot bypass or exit the page. Do not pay the fine on the black page and do not think that will help you unlock the device. It is totally fake and it is a scam virus that made by cyber hackers. If you pay the fine, your device can still be blocked and you will not be capable to get your money back. If you want to unlock your device, the only way is to find an effective method to get rid of this virus.

Suggestion: To follow removal guide to get out of SA Cyber Police Case Virus that mentioned above, a quite level of knowledge is needed. Otherwise, the wrong operating on the safe mode can make the situation even worse. Please make sure you are capable of dealing with this. If not, please Contact online experts for help now!

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on April 27, 2016 5:41 am

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