Is your laptop or desktop infected with Trojan.Festi virus? How do i remove the nasty virus if my antivirus programs won’t be able to clean it?

Trojan.Festi Description

Trojan.Festi is a deceitful Trojan that is detected by Symantec Norton anti-virus software. Trojan.Festi Virus is really pesky and spreads very fast all over the world. Once be attacked by the virus, you might see strange messages or graphics displayed on your
computer screen or find that normally well-behaved programs are acting erratically. Computer users always got such such threat when they were surfing online. They don’t know that when they browse websites the Trojan.Festi virus can access their PCs silently without their attention. Trojan.Festi Virus still there after a reboot for If you run Kaspersky Virus Removal tool and it has found malicious software and asking to perform this and system will be restarted. The virus may hide in some unsafe sites that it will create a route to enter into people’s PC. Get it off your computer ASAP. And the best way to eliminate Trojan.Festi Virus is manual removal step by step.

To save your computer, Live Chat with YooSecurity Expert Now, or you can follow the manual removal guide below to get your problem fixed. (For advanced computer users)

Some Symptoms of Trojan.Festi Infection:
1. This virus slows down your computer speed considerably. This includes opening program, shutting down your computer, and  causing blue screen of death.
2. This virus will  infect and corrupt your registry, making your computer totally bareness. You might discover that certain files have gone missing from your hard disk or that your system is acting sluggish—or failing to start at all.
3. This virus may reveal your personal information, which can lead to personal and property in unsafe condition. It affects system
performance. Unfortunately, cause Internet Explorer to freeze or not work properly.

Best Way to RemoveTrojan.Festi Manual Removal manually Step by Step?
Please follow these steps to get rid of the Trojan.Festi virus manually:
Step 1: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. Open the Windows Task Manager.
If that didn’t work, try another way. Press the Start button and click on the Run option. This will start the Run tool. Type in taskmgr and press OK. This should start the Windows Task Manager

Step 2: Within the Windows Task Manager click on the Processes tab. Find the process by name. random.exe.Then scroll the list to find required process. Select it with your mouse or keyboard and click on the End Process button. This will kill the process.

Step 3: Delete malicious registry entries.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\random
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\run\Trojan.Win64 Sirefef

Step 4?Remove malicious files of Trojan.Festi
Video of Key Steps on How to Modify or Change Windows Registry:

Based on various situations and computer skills, you can choose the following solutions fit for you.
1. Follow the steps we provide to manually remove the virus.
2. If you failed to remove Trojan.Festi with the method above, please consult YooSecurity certified professionals to remove it completely. Live chat with professionals now

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on November 9, 2012 1:42 pm

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