How to remove Adware Generic55.ACXX virus that picked up by my AVG anti-virus program? I boot up my computer this morning and AVG keeps warning there is a virus but can’t remove it. What is the best way to kill it?

How to Remove Adware Generic55.ACXX Completely?

The goal of the Adware Generic55.ACXX virus is to make chaos on the targeted computer when the users click on any links or ad found on the internet or run any applications installed on the machine. While some users might immediately sense something is hijacked when the things run weird. As hard as it might be to believe, these hackers are making millions of dollars by spreading these backdoor attacks online. They just want to fully control your system and roll you into paying money.

So, how are they spreading this attack on such a large scale? Well, they are using two primary methods of getting users infected. The first involves high volume mass spamming, and they send emails out that contain an attachment that has the Adware Generic55.ACXX virus within it, so when the user opens the attachment their computer will immediately become infected and the virus will start to install right away. These emails are sent out by the millions, and it is amazing how many individuals open emails and more specifically attachments from people that they don’t know. This is an important lesson on how important it is to use an email service that has very good spam filters. Never open an email that comes from a sender that you are not familiar with, and especially do not open an attachment.

They also infect a large number of users by packing the Adware Generic55.ACXX virus along with other files that are placed on major freeware and file sharing sites that promote free downloads of music, movies and other programs and software for the computer. These sites are often illegal and the file sharing is copyright material, so the users are trying to get it as quickly as possible and aren’t thinking of the possible pitfalls of downloading something off the Internet. SO, as they are installing the movie, music, or files that they just downloaded they are also installing the browser redirect directly onto their computer.

Note: If you are not computer savvy, to get this virus from your computer without coming back, please consult with YooSecurity Experts 24/7 online for instant help.

How Did You Get The Annoying Trojan Horse On Your Computer?

Once it begins to install it will begin to change the directory settings and also has the ability to disable programs, most notably the anti-virus or spyware software that is present on the computer. With these disabled the user will never be alerted to a possible threat. This virus also has the ability to grant remote access to the hackers, and while they tend to only use this attack for generating ad clicks and revenue, there is also the chance that they can gain access into your PC and teal valuable financial and personal information. It is important that this virus is removed manually to ensure that all of the infected files are deleted. Follow our instructions below to clean your computer and fully delete the Adware Generic55.ACXX virus.

Best Way to Remove The Trojan Horse Step by Step

Please follow these steps to get rid of the virus manually:
Step 1: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. Open the Windows Task Manager.
If that didn’t work, try another way. Press the Start button and click on the Run option. This will start the Run tool. Type in taskmgr and press OK. This should start the Windows Task Manager

Taskmgr on Run

Step 2: Within the Windows Task Manager click on the Processes tab. Find the process by name. random.exe. Then scroll the list to find required process. Select it with your mouse or keyboard and click on the End Process button. This will kill the process.

Windows Task Manager

Step 3: Delete malicious registry entries generated by Adware Generic55.ACXX virus.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\random

Step 4: Remove malicious files of Infection.
C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\random letters
C:\WINDOWS\system32\random letters

Video of Key Steps on How to Modify or Change Windows Registry:

The only way to be certain that this Adware Generic55.ACXX virus is fully removed from the computer is to remove the files manually. If you have some computer skills, you can follow the manual removal guide that we have provided above, if you perform the steps correctly you can get rid of the virus from your computer. The sooner it is fully removed, the better. Don’t forget to make sure to keep in good habits when surfing online later to prevent future problems.

Kindly Reminder: If you have tried many methods but with no success, to save your computer please contact YooSecurity experts 24/7 online in time for assistance.

Published by Tony Shepherd & last updated on August 7, 2013 4:30 am

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